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indyan last won the day on November 26 2023

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About indyan

  • Birthday 09/18/1979

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  1. link expired plz share fresh link
  2. Could u please share The Secret Mindset Academy its 3.8 GB full one https://fttuts.com/the-secret-mindset-academy/
  3. This is not full and uodated course
  4. Its around 23 GB after ZIP.... will upload it whenever i get time. may be this weekend
  5. You will get almost all SMC related courses here https://t.me/ICT_CAPITAL/1408
  6. This thread is meant for FTTUTS course request. so kindly ask for it on proper section, IMHO avoid any indian mentor course, almost all of them are copy cats. rest upto u
  7. I heard its from phantom mentor. not sure
  8. Basic Supply demand - OTA( Online Trading Academy) , Surjeet Kakkar Advance Supply demand-Chris leet,Set and forget,Mansor Sapari,RTM Price action - Umar ashraf Start with basic snd and then jump to advance one.U can also learn SMC along with SnD to understand market in better way. Good luck
  9. go through supply demand ,price action- pattern courses.
  10. stay away from him and his course. Any course based on indicators are not more the shits. and madras trader is worst among them.
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