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Puzzle last won the day on September 5 2024

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About Puzzle

  • Birthday 04/05/1974

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  1. Downloaded from the given link It is FAKE (Thanks for the share by the way)
  2. solidtorrents.to/search?q=Adam+grimes
  3. Yes, your are right it is broken. (Says missing .dlls) Anyway, if it is of your interest here is another link, but it is a EOD version https://farachart-com.translate.goog/6284?_x_tr_sl=fa&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en&_x_tr_pto=sc Regards
  4. @laser1000it I downloaded Advanced_Get_Training_Videos & was able to extract & watch videos, I downloaded Advanced GET 9.02 RT & was able to extract the files (did not install thou, I use Ami) What problem did you face, please elaborate. Regards
  5. Dear @MrAdmin (Had made the above request earlier.) If the VIP Membership offer is still being extended request you to kindly/please consider me as well. Thanks & Regards
  6. Link: https://www.4shared.com/s/fNXPqRJPLfa P.S : I am not using this software. Had a copy on my HDD, sharing as is. I did not try this S/F so do not know if it works or not. Try yourself. All the best. Regards
  7. Try this: (pass: 123) https://mega.nz/file/OwNVCKiJ#6PjnMdThB-g6ZCn9nzyUZJ_-sC7OExdCV3dxAMCXjqc
  8. It works, I tried at my end & was able to download. pls check/try again. You need to sign/login to 4shared to download.
  9. https://www.4shared.com/s/foLTlSpoMge Pass: 123 (All credit to original uploader/cracker ... as mentioned in the zip files) P.S: I am not a regular user of this S/F & the data that I use is locally stored EOD data (not from any data provider). .
  10. Dear @MrAdmin Is the VIP membership offer still open? My old user ID was @4Candles prior to revamp of this forum. Joined in year 2012. Can you please consider me in VIP Members group. Thanks & regards
  11. @iatin I mostly use Ami. Occasionally I use Optuma. I use local EOD data, exported from Ami as .CSV, and access that data from Optuma (Data > Import Local data > .csv).
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