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Everything posted by mary

  1. i won't put a pic for that either ....
  2. a belated welcome to you jimmy
  3. WOW what a weight loss regime js
  4. eagle The Bald Eagle is a large bird, with a body length of 71–106 cm (28–42 in), a wingspan of 183–234 cm, (72–96 in), and a mass of 3–7 kg (6.6–15.5 lb); females are about 25 percent larger than males. The adult Bald Eagle has a brown body with a white head and tail,
  5. we just got a bunch more dumped on us the other day...now it's raining it away again :( oh well this is a rainforest afterall
  6. oops forgot.... fishie next?
  7. brown bear... weighing as much as 1,400 pounds (640 kg). Such a bear, when standing on its hind feet, is about 9 feet (2.7 m) tall.
  8. i have to agree with you there ramish :)
  9. and pretty hard to work on the internet without it....
  10. sorry i'm stuck again...HUUUUUULAAAAA
  11. someone picks a subject..place..thing..whatever... then we go though the alphabet.. starting with the letter A then the next person thinks of something pertaining to whatever was chosen, that begins with the letter B... and we just keep going untill we reach the letter Z.... right now we are doing things that are found in hawii ;) come on john join in the fun :lol:
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