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Everything posted by mary

  1. Xenia, OH i don't really want to go there... but where else are we gonna find with an x
  2. wow what happened.. i put washington state...but it's gone now :o something screwy is going on here... i just did this post and it acted like it was going to add it ...then it stopped... thats what must have happened earlier..i was in a rush cause i had to go to my LAST day of work... i am now officially retired
  3. mary


    it came out perfect austin.. :) thank you for sharing... i love black...and black & white kittys..we have a black one..she's 16 yrs.
  4. mary


    you betcha... ohhhh that little kitty doing pushups is so cute
  5. oh please joepanda,please tell me,i am so scared and almost helpless with only one walking fin
  6. nope it's me ... now yippee...
  7. i have sent joe a pm, asking him to come over here when he has time... :lol:
  8. have a good nights sleep owl... i think there too many cars everywhere... earplugs mabe... i walk everywhere i go here where I live....
  9. knowing joe panda, he just might tell us why....
  10. i have xtreme cable modem 3mmps/512... and it's the same for me... but the couple seconds really isn't that bad... i think we have grown to want everything instant... mabe we should slow down a bit?
  11. man hula where have you been :P :D
  12. it's me... owl will be next
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