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Everything posted by mary

  1. mary


    oh kelli you are such a sweetheart... thank you for sharing with us thats so sad :( i'm looking forward to all your pictures and stories too
  2. mary


    come on guys post kitty pics in this thread
  3. mary


    hey hula thanx for posting that pic... :lol: :lol: :lol:
  4. mary


    wow kat thanx :D
  5. i got to level 3 and 2050 points ...but i lost cause i hit santa too much :P
  6. mary


    ok i admit it..this was a dumb thread i just thought it might get a couple laughs...cheer people up :blush:
  7. mary


    i've been noticing a lot of wierd things that these poor little critters have been subjected to... if you find any please post a pic here... here are a few i have found... :P
  8. thanx emma, it's good to hear the other side of the story it gives us hope ... :)
  9. yups it's me... next will be dorky come on down dorky :P
  10. well james from what i can glean from my search,i have to agree with dave... i myself would pay the $9 and if you get your $300... run as fast as you can...if you don't get your $300..run as fast as you can...
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