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Everything posted by mary

  1. nope fishie it's me... next is skylady :lol:
  2. ok the next one is gifts...any kind... almanac
  3. well when alina is offering great $$$$ prizes for the most referrals, and it reminds all of our members of the contest... i think it might be worth it to just click it off.. :P
  4. it's still snowing where i am.... please bring back the snow in the forum
  5. was that your word? :P ok someome else please start another one :lol:
  6. hi darcy, thank you for posting this site.. i thought this was worthy of it's own thread there's tons of great info there .. so would you please start a new topic for it? cause this is the clickin thread
  7. Xiaosaurus (pronounced sheow-SAWR-us) Xiaosaurus was a small, plant-eating dinosaur that lived during the Jurassic period. Xiaosaurus fossils were found in China. jurassic park :o
  8. mary


    mine did too :D
  9. mary


    yes they are fantastic and we want to see more kelli
  10. mary


    oh yippee you keep doing these pics and stories...
  11. mary


    a sweet little child you have there too, i'm so glad you had a happy story... i just about ran out of tears... i think i'll change this thread to anything to do with kitty's we now have 6 orange tabbys living under our apt house... the mom..an older sibling and 4 babies... :o
  12. warren got me a new office chair and i got him a new coffee maker and sweats...
  13. guess he dosn't come here next will be fishie :D
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