From a deceased forum (ewef)
Trading Markets Introductory Amibroker Course:
Link: -- problem with mega
Trading Markets Advanced Amibroker Course:
Link: -- problem with mega
Possibly IF's youtube channel: Readthemarketdotcom
These videos might have been shared already, the latest one is 3 months old. The rest are 3 to 5 years old.
T!m0thy M0rge - M@rket Ge0Metry
++5 eb00k-- 14 STR@TEGIES 0F A MILLIONAIRE TR@DER//market M@ps//Identifying High Probability Forex Trades Using Median Lines Trend Lines & Fibonacci Retracements//Tr@ding With Medi@n L!nes- M@pping The Markets//Us!ng Pr!nc!ples of Physics to Sp0t Pr!ce Frequency-Ident!fy!ng Trends//
Some0ne plz mirr0r- usually g00gle dr!ve didn't last long...