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  1. Fibs Don't Lie Advanced https://mega.nz/#F!h8NDlAKC!oljUQEeG1qmiR_tDzCgUrw
    9 points
  2. T!m0thy M0rge - M@rket Ge0Metry ++5 eb00k-- 14 STR@TEGIES 0F A MILLIONAIRE TR@DER//market M@ps//Identifying High Probability Forex Trades Using Median Lines Trend Lines & Fibonacci Retracements//Tr@ding With Medi@n L!nes- M@pping The Markets//Us!ng Pr!nc!ples of Physics to Sp0t Pr!ce Frequency-Ident!fy!ng Trends// hxxps://drive.google.com/open?id=1-gtqf7Vqr3gFFO5vLMg-8FZ3LvUSY6kY Some0ne plz mirr0r- usually g00gle dr!ve didn't last long...
    3 points
  3. andreybbrv

    Van Tharp Courses

    Van Tharp - Business Planning For Traders and Investors Course, $249 Van Tharp - Disciplined Trading. How to Trade Your Wav to Financial Freedom (Video 750 MB) Van Tharp - How to Develop a Winning Trading System that Fits You (12 Audio CDs & Workbook), $795 Van Tharp - Infinite Wealth Course (Audio & Manual, 800 MB) Van Tharp - Peak Performance Course for Investors and Traders, $795 Van Tharp - Position Sizing (Video 1.2 GB), $149 Van Tharp - Seven Principles of Great Trading (Audio CD), $49 Van Tharp - The Psychology of Trading Series (Audio), $249 Free download https://www.rapidshare.com/files/1701758979/vantharp.part1.rar https://www.rapidshare.com/files/3633389005/vantharp.part2.rar https://www.rapidshare.com/files/2688085304/vantharp.part3.rar https://www.rapidshare.com/files/414876926/vantharp.part4.rar https://www.rapidshare.com/files/2298870291/vantharp.part5.rar https://www.rapidshare.com/files/319134700/vantharp.part6.rar if you don't know how to extract multi-part archive, short video demonstration for you: https://www.rapidshare.com/files/2455431460/video_demonstration_how_to_use_winrar.exe OR from torrent tracker: https://rapidshare.com/files/2192591498/vantharp_torrent.rar mirror here: http://www.trading-software-catalog.com/vantharp_torrent.rar for download from torrent tracker you may use www.utorrent.com downloader. if links will deleted, let me know, I will share again. skype: andreybbrv email: [email protected] http://img38.imageshack.us/img38/6711/stopsoftwaremonopolies.png Subject: Infringing website Dear Sir or Madam: We represent Dr. Van K Tharp, a trader and world-renowned author. Dr. Tharp has published many successful books and audio books, as well as audio and video courses and other digital products. According to who.is data, two (2) websites that your company hosts are each infringing eight (8) of Dr. Tharp’s works by offering unauthorized copies of the works via download or delivery of a physical hard drive containing the infringing material. The original works can be found on Dr. Tharp’s websites at _http://www.vantharp.com/_ (http://www.vantharp.com/products.asp) and _http://www.iitm.com_ (http://www.iitm.com/) , and/or on Amazon at _http://www.amazon.com_ (http://www.amazon.com/) . The original works can be found on Dr. Tharp’s websites at _http://www.vantharp.com/_ (http://www.vantharp.com/products.asp) and _http://www.iitm.com_ (http://www.iitm.com/) , and/or on Amazon at _http://www.amazon.com_ (http://www.amazon.com/) . The unauthorized copies are located at _http://www.traders-software.com_ (http://www.traders-software.com/) , and _http://www.trading-software.org/_ (http://www.trading-software.org/) . The trading-software.org domain frames the content stored on traders-software.com; in other words, the trading-software.org domain lists the unauthorized copies in question and gives the appearance that the copies can be downloaded directly, but the actual download links are stored on the traders-software.com domain. Accordingly, the specific links listed below are only on the traders-software.com domain. More specifically, the original works and their respective unauthorized copies are as follows: Business Planning for Traders and Investors Original: _http://www.vantharp.com/products/business-planning.asp_ (http://www.vantharp.com/products/business-planning.asp) Unauthorized copy: _http://www.traders-software.com/Trading%20Courses,%20Seminars,%20Videos/Van %20Tharp%20-%20Business%20Planning%20For%20Traders%20and%20Investors%20Cours e,%20$249%20(iitm.com)/_ (http://www.traders-software.com/Trading%20Courses,%20Seminars,%20Videos/Van%20Tharp%20-%20Business%20Planning%20For%20Traders% 20and%20Investors%20Course,%20$249%20(iitm.com)/) Disciplined Trading: How to Trade Your Way to Financial Freedom Original: _http://www.amazon.com/Disciplined-T rading-Trade-Financial-Freedom/dp/1592802478_ (http://www.amazon.com/Disciplined-Trading-Trade-Financial-Freedom/dp/1592802478) Unauthorized copy: _http://www.traders-software.com/Trading%20Courses,%20Seminars,%20Videos/Van %20Tharp%20-%20Disciplined%20Trading.%20How%20to%20Trade%20Your%20Wav%20to%2 0Financial%20Freedom%20(Video%20750%20MB)%20(traderslibrary.com)/_ (http://www.traders-software.com/Trading%20Courses,%20Seminars,%20Videos/Van%20Tharp% 20-%20Disciplined%20Trading.%20How%20to%20Trade%20Your%20Wav%20to%20Financia l%20Freedom%20(Video%20750%20MB)%20(traderslibrary.com)/) How to Develop a Winning Trading System that Fits You Original: _http://www.vantharp.com/products/develop-winning-trading-systems.asp_ (http://www.vantharp.com/products/develop-winning-trading-systems.asp) Unauthorized copy: _http://www.traders-software.com/Trading%20Courses,%20Seminars,%20Videos/Van %20Tharp%20-%20How%20to%20Develop%20a%20Winning%20Trading%20System%20that%20 Fits%20You%20(12%20Audio%20CDs%20&%20Workbook),%20$795%20(iitm.com)/_ (http://www.traders-software.com/Trading%20Courses,%20Seminars,%20Videos/Van%20Tha rp%20-%20How%20to%20Develop%20a%20Winning%20Trading%20System%20that%20Fits%2 0You%20(12%20Audio%20CDs%20&%20Workbook),%20$795%20(iitm.com)/) Infinite Wealth Original: _http://www.iitm.com/seminars/Inf_wlth_creativity.htm_ (http://www.iitm.com/seminars/Inf_wlth_creativity.htm) Unauthorized copy: _http://www.traders-software.com/Trading%20Courses,%20Seminars,%20Videos/Van %20Tharp%20-%20Infinite%20Wealth%20Course%20(Audio%20&%20Manual,%20800%20MB) %20(iitm.com)/_ (http://www.traders-software.com/Trading%20Courses,%20Seminars,%20Videos/Van%20Tharp%20-%20Infinite%20Wealth%20Course%20(Audio%20&%20Man ual,%20800%20MB)%20(iitm.com)/) Peak Performance Course for Traders & Investors Original: _http://www.vantharp.com/products/peak-performance.asp_ (http://www.vantharp.com/products/peak-performance.asp) Unauthorized copy: _http://www.traders-software.com/Trading%20Courses,%20Seminars,%20Videos/Van %20Tharp%20-%20Peak%20Performance%20Course%20for%20Investors%20and%20Traders ,%20$795%20(vantharp.com)/_ (http://www.traders-software.com/Trading%20Courses,%20Seminars,%20Videos/Van%20Tharp%20-%20Peak%20Performance%20Course%20for %20Investors%20and%20Traders,%20$795%20(vantharp.com)/) Position Sizing Original: _http://www.vantharp.com/products/Position-Sizing-Elearning-Intro.asp_ (http://www.vantharp.com/products/Position-Sizing-Elearning-Intro.asp) Unauthorized copy: _http://www.traders-software.com/Trading%20Courses,%20Seminars,%20Videos/Van %20Tharp%20-%20Position%20Sizing%20(Video%201.2%20GB),%20$149%20(iitm.com)/_ (http://www.traders-software.com/Trading%20Courses,%20Seminars,%20Videos/Van%20Tharp%20-%20Position%20Sizing%20(Video%201.2%20GB),%20$149%20(iitm.com)/ ) Seven Principles of Great Trading Original: _http://www.vantharp.com/products/seven-principles.asp_ (http://www.vantharp.com/products/seven-principles.asp) Unauthorized copy: _http://www.traders-software.com/Trading%20Courses,%20Seminars,%20Videos/Van %20Tharp%20-%20Seven%20Principles%20of%20Great%20Trading%20(Audio%20CD),%20$ 49%20(iitm.com)/_ (http://www.traders-software.com/Trading%20Courses,%20Seminars,%20Videos/Van%20Tharp%20-%20Seven%20Principles%20of%20Great%20Trading%2 0(Audio%20CD),%20$49%20(iitm.com)/) The Psychology of Trading Original: _http://www.vantharp.com/products/psychology-of-trading.asp_ (http://www.vantharp.com/products/psychology-of-trading.asp) Unauthorized copy: _http://www.traders-software.com/Trading%20Courses,%20Seminars,%20Videos/Van %20Tharp%20-%20The%20Psychology%20of%20Trading%20Series%20(Audio),%20$249%20 (iitm.com)/_ (http://www.traders-software.com/Trading%20Courses,%20Seminars,%20Videos/Van%20Tharp%20-%20The%20Psychology%20of%20Trading%20Series%20(Audi o),%20$249%20(iitm.com)/) In addition, the website operator is soliciting sales of the aforementioned products using an email address containing the domain name of the hosted site ([email protected]_ (mailto:[email protected]) ) This correspondence serves as notice to your company of the infringing activity taking place on your servers. Please remove the infringing material from your servers immediately. In addition, please notify the operator of the infringing website of this notice and direct them to remove infringing material currently available on their website and to cease posting infringing material on their website in the future. Please be advised that my client is willing to take additional steps, if necessary, to ensure that his intellectual property rights are not infringed upon, and your failure to remove infringing material from your servers will expose your company to liability for copyright infringement. I am authorized to act on behalf of my client, and I am providing this notice in good faith and with the reasonable belief that the rights my client owns are being infringed. Under penalty of perjury I certify that the information contained in the notification is both true and accurate, and I have the authority to act on behalf of the owner of the copyrights involved. Please contact me should you wish to discuss this matter further. Sincerely, Lloyd J. Jassin Lloyd J. Jassin, Esq. http://www.trading-software-catalog.com/hi.jpg who is next? :)) learn how to win the lottery :))
    1 point
  4. The Brooks Trading Course Combo (i.e. Trading Course & Forex Trading Course)is the most comprehensive source of information on reading and trading price charts. The Brooks Combo Course comprises three main Parts: 1- Price Action Fundamentals 2- How to trade Price Action (Trading Course Version) 3- How to trade Forex Price Action (Forex Trading Course Version) The Price Action Fundamentals sections explain basic chart reading, and well as how and why markets move. Markets are constantly in search of the current fair price, which is always changing. That price is the result of countless variables, and most of them are unknowable, even to very successful traders. Every market probes up and down to discover how far is too far, which then becomes support and resistance. Once traders understand this and how to spot logical support and resistance levels, they are in a position to begin trading. They also need to learn to watch for certain chart patterns where the probability, risk, and reward give traders an edge. Traders are then ready to study the 2nd part of the course, How to Trade Price Action. The new Brooks course contains 121 videos for the Price Action Fundamentals part, a total of 57+ hours. The How to Trade Price Action and How to Trade Forex Price Action parts add another 72 and 66 videos, with grand course totals of 95 and 92 hours respectively. Purchasing both courses gives a total of 130 hours of high quality video trading education. Website: hXXps://brookstradingcourse.com/buy-the-brooks-price-action-trading-course/?doing_wp_cron=1537292034.3978049755096435546875 Price: $448 Size: 21.2 GB Download Links & Password: hXXps://dr!ve.google.com/file/d/1Xure-OXjp-7A2RN9b-zcVc11Bp1MRceu/view Thanks is due to the original uploader Hurry up before links expires :)
    1 point
  5. Description: This is an advanced Course and assumes the trader already has a solid understanding of trading terms and concepts. Day traders, futures traders, and currency traders will find this information particularly useful as intraday relationships are often important with Fibonacci tools. The course is divided into eight sequential video lessons. In addition to the videos, students receive a notebook for following along to help apply the principles and increase competency and integration. By the end of the course you will feel great confidence in predicting the future based on the ever trustworthy golden ratio. Contents: 1. Introduction to Fibs 2. Focusing the Grid 3.Targeting 4. Angles and the X-Axis 5. Elliot Wave And Fibonacci 6. Trade Setups 7. Intraday Trading with Fibs 8. Putting It All Together with a Plan Size: 13.6 GB price: ​ $897 Website: hxxps://tradesmartu.com/total-fibs/ Download Links: hxxps://www.sendspace.com/file/9ezous
    1 point
  6. Gonna give you a crash course in fundamental analysis: When fundamentals says market is good, then market is bad. When fundamentals says market is bad, then market is good.
    1 point
  7. He teaches market geometry, trendline and pitchfork im not sure this is webinar or course, look like webinar...but he got another program mentoring market geometry- i don't think this is it.. pic
    1 point
  8. bro :) I have not tested it........so, i can' t tell you exactly what may occur , but i would suggest you disconnect from the web when installing the software and launching the cracked exe, then reconnecting the web AFTER.... Got the stuff on a Chinese board, they told about the cracker as Mr K then elsewhere in the post as kesk......Probably the same member than "our" kesk, here....
    1 point
  9. Apologies, if posting direct links have caused the links to be deleted. https://mega.nz/#!afAx2SxB!bv-BBewYv56x1uNHAbFyUzfBWoBOwIQKle-6gll_CKM
    1 point
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