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[REQ] Metatrader (MQ4) converter to Visual Basic

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Hi everyone,


Does anyone has a converter from Metatrader (MQ4) to Visual Basic or Assisted Creation?


This would be ideal for converting EAs from Metatrader to ProRealTime (Platform used by IGindex).


Since IGindex is a spreadbetting platform, taxes do not need to be paid.

This would be the best way by far to invest, if EAs such as Megadroid could be incorporated into this kind of platform.


I would be very appreciated if anyone can convert EAs for Metatrader (MQ4) to Visual Basic or Assisted Creation and if possible sharing a tool that those this.

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Re: [REQ] Metatrader (MQ4) converter to Visual Basic


Hi guys,


I´ve found these converters, hope these can be helpful to you.


Hope these will help you to convert EAs, Indicators, etc from one platform to another (for example converting EAs for MT4 to java or VB platforms and vice-versa)


I´m not so sure if MT4 language (MQL4) is very similar to C++, but please let me know if I am wrong.


Original website:



Educated versions:


Tangible - C++ To VB Converter:



Tangible - Instant C# - VB to C# Converter:



Tangible - Instant C++ (C# Edition) - C# to C++ Converter:



Tangible - Instant C++ (VB Edition) - VB to C++ Converter:



Tangible - Instant VB - C# to VB Converter:



Tangible - Instant C++ (Java Edition): Java to C++ Converter:



Tangible - C++ to Java Converter



Tangible -Java to VB & C# Converter:



Tangible - Clear VB: VB Standardization Utility:



Hope these are helpful :-bd

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