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How can be a successful trader ?


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Guest roberrt

I have some advice for you: before you do something, need to think carefully to make the right decisions. I think the success rate will be higher. In Trading and in daily life.


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I have some advice for you: before you do something, need to think carefully to make the right decisions. I think the success rate will be higher. In Trading and in daily life.



Yes its very important to be patient and take time for making decisions, dont be in haste and make trades you are sure of.

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  • 2 weeks later...
just make ur own experience, because ur experience is the best way to learn how to be better trader. even when u lose, just don't think about u will lose again, just think about how to win next time, because no one will always win at forex trading.


Yes the best way to take decision is to consider your skills and experience in this way you will be more confident in placing trades.

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  • 5 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...
To become a successful FX trader is not a task easier than either of those professions in the world. Most young traders like to start trading foreign exchange from technical indicators. But You need to trade from strategies you can argue well.


by because it must be able to take the time to keep practicing to improve the ability to trade using a demo account seriously to improve trading. as obtained in HiWayFX be comfortable with its trading

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  • 1 year later...
To be successful in trading fores such as traders who had success, of course we have to follow their footsteps in the study and practice in order to have skills that can be used in achieving success in this business
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  • 3 months later...
Guest Moon_shine
It is hard to make a living trading any asset, let alone highly leveraged Forex. The reasons are not because brokers cheat you or because it is all a scam, it is because the vast majority of people are disillusioned with the mindlessness of the day job.
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Pasión y confianza

Un empresario exitoso ama lo que hace. Ya sea que le guste lo que hace su negocio o simplemente la idea en sí no tenga importancia, un buen emprendedor debe disfrutar y sentirse satisfecho con por su obra. Debe sentir que está confirmando sus puntos fuertes y ayudando a mejorar sus debilidades. La pasión de un empresario exitoso debería brillar en su nivel de confianza. Ellos confían en que sus negocios son buenos y no tienen miedo a promocionarse. Ellos toman seriamente sus negocios y los ven como una oportunidad de inversión.

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