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Introduction To Online Forex Trading

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  • 4 weeks later...

Forex market allows traders online or virtual trading platform to the trader where currency exchange is the core of all activities. Investors can make investment in foreign company’s stock, traders can engage in currency exchange trading etc. One of the greatest advantages of forex market is the virtual nature or infrastructure of it; this over the counter market allows traders to trade 24/7, from anywhere around the world. For example, I am UK resident, but operating in forex market with a regulated platform AAFX from my home.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Nowadays,  Forex is definitely a profitable business. The first thing as a newcomer you need to do is learn everything you can about the market . then before you get a real account , get a demo account and practice as much as you can so you will get a better idea about the market. You probably should use the demo account for months. However , if you feel like you are ready , then by all means open up a real account.  

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  • 2 weeks later...

Forex the virtual, over the counter market that facilitates foreign currency exchanges on a global platform. Traders can engage in forex trading from anywhere around the world, they can trade at any time, day or time. Forex; being the online platform provides numerous opportunities so that both the retail and pro traders can engage in forex trading as per their own trading requirements. Mini accounts and standard accounts are providing options to the traders so that they can invest any amount.

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