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is that working ? i just copy dll to /nt8/bin/custom and others files to others location


Import it into NT as you normally would from main control panel. For templates, copy and paste them into appropriate folder. It works fine.

The issue of using some the educated files by copying and pasting into appropriate folders is that, this would later prevent you to import other official or future files into NT as normal from control panel. You would then get an error message that blocks you from importing. Unless of course, one way to fix this, is to delete those files from bin/custom folder, you then can now import files as normal. Annoying and inconvenient yes but this is what you deal with when you use edu stuff. 😜

Edited by ninja_on_da_roof
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I'm trying to add the volume indector to the strategy..not found ..

any updates?




That was why i asked him if he had any recent updated strat templates cuz there are no options to enable the add-on volume for new strats in the old settings. :)What I am guessing is that, they just change the "enter" section and pick one from the drop down list which has volume added. Then also change the "bar" section to 30 to make candles turn into red blue and yellow.

Still, that wont add a volume indicator on chart. You can still add a volume indicator on your chart from indicator list but it is useless because it is not embedded into the actual strategy.

Edited by ninja_on_da_roof
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