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Catch – and RIDE – the NEXT Big Wave in Commodities

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Commodities Open House | March 28 – April 1 | FREE



Sure: It’s easy (and lazy) to blame skyrocketing prices on the war in Ukraine, but the truth is that this trend started in April 2020. And those people just now noticing are not only late to the game, but they missed out on some great opportunities!


In fact, the CRB Commodities Index has TRIPLED in two years!


So, one big question: Is the rally just getting started, or nearing an end?


Get clear, insightful and most of all, USEFUL answers from TWO Elliott wave masters – Jeffrey Kennedy and Nady Laymoud – during Commodities Open House March 28 – April 1.

Wheat, corn, soybeans, cocoa, sugar, coffee, cotton, OJ, live cattle, feeder cattle, lean hogs and more – you get Jeffrey's long-term forecasts from our Commodity Junctures service and Nady's intensive intraday updates from our Commodities Pro Service.


It's a $278 value, yours free. Registration link


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