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Jedahs pipscobar kaizen pipsology course

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  • 11 months later...
If there wasn´t enough already, this is one more copycat of the copycat of that ICT method sh** lol


You wanna trade forex properly focus exclusively on Urban Forex stuff, that is the real deal.


as you are following urban forex. can please show an example of a rubberband man set up how it is identified on the chart.


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as you are following urban forex. can please show an example of a rubberband man set up how it is identified on the chart.



Rubberband man is not a setup, just a metaphor for gauging momentum of the pullback. Urban Forex has no trade setups, it´s a discretionary method. Yeah you identify a peculiar price design (the V formation after the pullback ends, then the money spot after it), but it´s not a setup , it gives you an area where to make the trade decision, called the money spot. Once you learn how to read the flow, it becomes easy to see it. Then you can use whatever entry trigger you prefer, a simple trendline break is an easy example. If you treat like pattern trading you gonna fail, there are nuances to the V formation, also you have to be in the correct territory and also perform correlation analysis to give a strength score for each currency, plus fundamentals. Nothing deep in fundamentals, just create table "strong vs weak" and assign the currencies according to the economic calendar result, I only check high and medium impact. If you have bad news for a currency, add it to the "weak" column and consider it weak til price turns around (if news is bad and price is in a downtrend, if it starts an uptrend you can consider the news expired). And of course there is the VSA analysis on top of all that.







Edited by logicgate
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