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MagicThing Solution

Guest forex254

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Do you mean that saved workspace and chart template won't load automatically in V21? Is there any fix ? I have many paid indicators, are they going to have any problem or performance issue if I install MagicThing? Thanks Edited by fxus
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Do you mean that saved workspace and chart template won't load automatically in V21?


Yes. Paid indicators won't work until MagicThing starts


Is there any fix ?




I have many paid indicators, are they going to have any problem or performance issue if I install MagicThing? Thanks



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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

If anyone need Magic Thing , just get it from Electron.

Support and Appreciate his hard work.

If you can't afford 25-50$ , idk what you are expecting from market. If you can't give , you won't get anything from market either.


And I'm surprised to see many reseller for his unHWID magic thing. Well only a fool will buy from reseller also as I have mentioned it will stop working on 17th May.

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i've contacted "anuradhsr " he saying he hacked that thing , and it will works lifelong .... meanwhile somebady russian messaged with girl pic and given one cracker name , he is selling for 20$ , after little conversation she/he scolded me and blocked me ... this kinda "a**Hol**" people stole money with the name of hackers , don't trust anyone , and don't lose money , people are saying for 20$ what should come , that kinda of persons please donate to me if u have that much money , money won't come with out handwork , these people are doing smart things and looting money with the name of crackers ..... don't transfer money ,or don't buy giftcards likethat , after transfer money u con't track those cheaters.... if i transfer money today , i would be cheated by those Mo***Fu*** , A**Ho**..... trust only reputable crackers
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Guys those guys messged me again and scolded me verymuch , don't trust those crackers , i'll recorded screen while thery scolding me and i'll screeenshot those chat also , i'll post everything , this is the way how they looting money from people , they scolding Indians much , i'll post video and chat of them .....
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