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John Jace - Trading Harmonically With The Universe


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part three, hardly under 80mb but is missing to make it a complete set. Currently, DVD6 is blank. in any case, thanks @fireflyk, if possible please re-look at the link, as it shows the content. Speaker appears to making use of Wav59

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No luck, bro. Still can't download. shows file might be deleted.


ok brother, but many thanks for your contribution, will search third part, and if found will share here for all.


Can anyone get it from here contacting their admin, as their links have also expired.


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I had to admit that John jace courses lack of the most important part: teach how to convert planetary to price. He drew many planetary lines but none of the courses teach how to convert position of planet to price, any recommendation for this issue?




most common technique to convert planetary degree to price is using modulo 360.

360 deg longitude is max longitude of any planet, so if DOW is trading at say for example 20000, by using Mod formula in excel, we find that dow has completed 55 full circles of 360 deg, + 200 deg in 56th circle.

Now if say Saturn is at 240 degree longitude in zodiac, you can calculate Saturn price as (55 * 360) = 19800 + 240 = 20040. So for Planet Saturn @ 240 degree in Zodiac is equal to price of 20040.

Edited by monkeybusiness
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most common technique to convert planetary degree to price is using modulo 360.

360 deg longitude is max longitude of any planet, so if DOW is trading at say for example 20000, by using Mod formula in excel, we find that dow has completed 55 full circles of 360 deg, + 200 deg in 56th circle.

Now if say Saturn is at 240 degree longitude in zodiac, you can calculate Saturn price as (55 * 360) = 19800 + 240 = 20040. So for Planet Saturn @ 240 degree in Zodiac is equal to price of 20040.


Suggestion for reading materials please!


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I had to admit that John jace courses lack of the most important part: teach how to convert planetary to price. He drew many planetary lines but none of the courses teach how to convert position of planet to price, any recommendation for this issue?




Prices vibrate to octave. If it is for fx EUSD, factor: Price /(1/32) or (1/16) or may be even (1/64), for stocks 1x8, 1x16. S&P suppose trading at 3400 then you can consider 1point=0.5 or 0.25 deg, then can apply mod.

Fabio's book Quantum Trading

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