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[REQ] RTM academy trading video courses


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it's seems that he can't share the course cause the owner of the course is in the telegram gorup.


do you note one point bro . he shares all courses without intimation but when he choose to post rtm he post about course details without link and wait for some days to someone stop the work . why ??? this time rtm owner intelegram


what about last time . apr 10 . he purposefully do this . i appericiate his other work . but clearly he dont want to share rtm but he wants others to know he has rtm .

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Bro if someone said about something about him why you comes to this topic . there is some feeling inside you so you share your feelings here . that way we also emotionally connected to it . this is not argue bro


Yes, that feeling is called courtesy. No argument here. All good.

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Dude! What feelings are you talking about? Did he promise to marry you and ditched you at the altar or something?


Coming to being a devotee? What am I an apostle and he's my master of some kind? Absolutely not. He's just a guy who shares things freely which otherwise everyone would be paying for. Just because he said he would do something doesn't compel him to do anything as expected by anyone. You wouldn't like it either if someone expects something out of you for no apparent reason, would you now?


There might be a thousand things in the way, it's not a cakewalk to do something like that when the whole community is eagerly waiting and watching, also the watchdogs of creators of that material.


What I really don't understand is instead of being thankful for what we have, we always complain and be bitter about what we don't, and we never ask this question to ourselves if we really deserve what we have and what we might get. I wouldn't mind if you have bought that course with your hard-earned money and not willing to share it. You may promise me thousand times you would share it, but if you don't, yeah, I should just say thanks and walk away because yeah, I didn't buy it, it's not mine and I don't have any rights to ask you or compel you to do anything according to my will. Get it?


Dude. I am not arguing or am not having any personal hate to any one. Do you think promising to marry and then rejecting is the only feeling in the world. If you meet a hungry person and tell him that food is coming ... Food is coming and never give any thing. If you have it and if you don't want to give it then don't say it is coming... Keep it yourself and eat yourself. No one will come and grab you... As long as you keep it as personal then no one will question. When you put the message into the public then the question comes. I don't want to keep typing for the sake of typing any more


As you mentioned if there is a watchdog from the creator, no one will keep pretending that I will share and share multiple times. It is like alerting them and making them more vigilant instead of of sharing silently all of a sudden without giving a hint.


Now you know that there is watchdog / owner are blocking. Agree. So don't expect the course to be shared. This is what I posted on my first message.

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I know a lot of people are searching for RTM course, but with the passage of time I have realized that its very difficult to get. So, there are lots of emotion attached to it.


@netgoon and @yachusai, after all why are you feeling hurt each time he promises it to share and then doesn't share. Only because your emotions get hurt as he creates expectation and then doesn't fulfill them.


But, like yachusai rightly said in one of his posts that he has shared so many courses. If he isn't sharing this one, there must be some reason to it. That's why I said I believe that he will share it. He has shared every other course he promised to share. Lets not bad mouth him for one course.




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I know a lot of people are searching for RTM course, but with the passage of time I have realized that its very difficult to get. So, there are lots of emotion attached to it.


@netgoon and @yachusai, after all why are you feeling hurt each time he promises it to share and then doesn't share. Only because your emotions get hurt as he creates expectation and then doesn't fulfill them.


But, like yachusai rightly said in one of his posts that he has shared so many courses. If he isn't sharing this one, there must be some reason to it. That's why I said I believe that he will share it. He has shared every other course he promised to share. Lets not bad mouth him for one course.





@devils_advocate. Thanks sir. Yes, always waiting like a harry potter fan waiting for another episode from JK Rowling and getting disappointed. I did get some useful courses from him in the past. Lets all hope for the best and if it is shared I am happy to take back my words

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For me it's more like just a pure curiosity on how they have improved the free materials that i used to read during the period when the site was more like an opensource of free information. I heard on a IF interview that the core concepts

of the payed course are still the same as the past but with the new master he managed to refined them and organized in more a logial way all the material. We will see...but from what i know at the moment the Feibel course has more value.

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For me it's more like just a pure curiosity on how they have improved the free materials that i used to read during the period when the site was more like an opensource of free information. I heard on a IF interview that the core concepts

of the payed course are still the same as the past but with the new master he managed to refined them and organized in more a logial way all the material. We will see...but from what i know at the moment the Feibel course has more value.


Do you have link to download the Feibel course? I am always ready to learn new concepts in Price Action trading. Thanks, D_A_

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Guys those who have accused matrix of not sharing jas screwed the chances of his sharing....so u all are foolest people on earth.

As far as RTM goes its all around the globe freely available... Yes full RTM will take time to come ...hoping someone will share one day very soon.

Yes i agree no course is wortg 15000 pounds

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@harshrthakkar, who the hell are you to call others as fools. Do you want to go and beg him to share the course here?. I have already mentioned that if you don't want to share then keep it and enjoy. Don't say that its coming soon... soon.. again.


If you become a fool after criticising some one for their action, then no one will be clever in world. Criticising is every one's individual opinion

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