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[REQ] George Angell Workshop Videos

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Anyone has any of the following workshop videos that would be willing to share? Found the old links in cabafx but they are no longer active. I'm aware of a number of Youtube videos of George but I'm looking for the complete workshop videos.


George Angell – Advanced Breakthroughs in Day Trading

George Angell – Money Miracle

George Angell – Spyglass And LSS Day Trading Workshop

George Angell – Sniper Trading Workshop

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This one is a book, not a video course: "Sniper Trading Workshop"


I think this one, "Advanced Breakthroughs in Day Trading," is part of his Complete Day Trading Course.


These courses were circulating several years ago, they are all very old and they're floor trader strategies that may not work in today's electronic/algorithmic markets - many "classical" trading strategies no longer work all that well.

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