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Bill A

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Hi Educators,


Could you please have a look at some medicine for BOOKMAPv5


It has a lot of new graphical features and operating options over the older version.


If possible please also EDU the various add-ons as they are also good to have.


Many thanks for those who give it a try.




Vid of features


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I suppose, that part of II members prefers to read only their own posts or only those other posts, which are answer on their requests... Sad, but true.

Anyway, I repeat my opinion related to the BM.

  admis said:
To be honest with you, it is too tiring, as for me, to play more in this strange java world. Just enough!

Not everything I was in a position to recompile using the available tools. Quite possible, because I'm just an java noob.

Fortunately, I've found an old patched release of TurboActivate, which radically reduced the amount of work.


Please don't even ask me anymore in the future to do something related to java. Never ever again!

This is the fix package for BM44_123, which you have to obtain by yourself and install. I choosed this release, because this is the last supported CQG Trader/IC; the latest supports only CQG_web.



btw. Apart of a new look of window, which you've treated as an "impressive or great, with a lot of new graphical features and operating options" - what did you find as a real advantage in this new release? Have you found, for example, a description or examples of usage of their API framework (to build own additions - (indicators or strategies)?

Edited by admis
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Thanks Admis

you have to understand- for us its all mystery - could not distinguish between normal or java if it hits me in the face :).

Watched the presentation and it seems that their graphics is better now.

The previous version did not help me trade at all.

The concept is great- you see the limit AND market orders at the same time- but the disappointing fact is that in real time- live it does not help at all.

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New version seems slower to me, probably for the extra bells and whistles but no real value added.

I'm trying to make a OSX wrapper for the old 4.4 edu, but for some reason it crash at the open.

It would be great so you can use it with TWS on a mac.


4 TB: Here is how i use it to spot imbalances: on the center column i plot the market orders traded, versus the flashed/spoofing limit orders on the book on left and right column.

In real-time it helps a lot to see the speed at which lmt orders are spoofed, or a great quantity of mkt orders are coming:



Edited by Redbullish
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  Redbullish said:
New version seems slower to me, probably for the extra bells and whistles but no real value added.

I'm trying to make a OSX wrapper for the old 4.4 edu, but for some reason it crash at the open.

It would be great so you can use it with TWS on a mac.


4 TB: Here is how i use it to spot imbalances: on the center column i plot the market orders traded, versus the flashed/spoofing limit orders on the book on left and right column.

In real-time it helps a lot to see the speed at which lmt orders are spoofed, or a great quantity of mkt orders are coming:




Not really seeing a huge improvement either. maybe after a closer look and watching it in action next week.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  candyman said:
its java bro. not my specialty. if you have a previous version i can possibly apply the patches of the previous patch to this. i will need the unpatched and patched jar files for comparison



Ok many thanks for giving it a try - I only have this installer - thanks again for the efforts and your time.


If there are any java bods out there please give it a try to EDU - many thanks

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  • 4 weeks later...
  cunparis said:
I am a java developer. But I really don't know where to start with this, i've never done it before.


Hi Cunparis :)


Am not a developer and not a cracker, but maybe you could get some help ( not sure, just guessing... ) from any site below :











Normally, if i remember correctly some of the things i have read in crackers's forums, you would have to install the stuff which needs to be "fixed", then you would have to get / use specific tools, either to uncompress / unpack some files, or to decompile them to "follow" what the software is doing ( disassemblers ) ...Maybe Bro Candyman could tell you some very Basic / quick infos to START your new job : NOOB cracker LOL


Good luck :)

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

Oh my god, It was no contest that the new V6 of Bookmap is wonderful, the ultim tool for the trader who want win on the market :


Some new features:

- Correlation tracker with instrument's overlay

- Advanced Cumulative Volume Delta indicator

- Iceberg indicator displayed on the heatmap

- Voice alerts (inc. volume filter and iceberg filter)

- New Time & Sales window

- Candlestick view included with the heatmap

- New volume resets for the columns, and much more...


Bookmap 6.0 Overview :


Unfortunatly, I don't have the skills for educated it. I searched all over the web and it seems that there is no one else that interests[-O<

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Hi to Ghost


Bro, well, just an opinion / comment :



Look, the BM 5 Crack is not even available, and yet, the Devs are on the BM 6.xxx beta, and you find it AMAZING....


It is a NEVER-ENDING path....and no crackers will follow it...At least, not at the speed we would like.....Sorry for us, and i undestand the crackers too, even our Bro Admis ( who is Trader / cracker ) has explained that Cracking TAKES MUCH TIME....


Ciao :)

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