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Ayrex Binary Options Broker - Discussion


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How we'll remember January 2017:


Donald Trump became the 45th President of the United Stated. Can he really make America great again? That is the question.


Brexit is delayed by the decision of the Supreme Court. How long will it take now? Stay tuned in.


Samsung faced a massive fiasco with overheating and burning Galaxy Note 7. About 2.5 millions phones have been recalled. Apple has regained the top place in smartphone market.


Interested in trading the news? Check out our platform!



Sincerely yours,

Ayrex Team.

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Dear Traders,


Today we would like to share another amazing interview with one of our best traders - Ronnie D., who has graciously agreed to share thoughts about Ayrex and the Demo Contest in particular with us. We hope, that you will find it as useful and fascinating as we do. Enjoy!


1) How do you prepare for each round?

R: "It's a really amazing experience to be in this kind of competition, where you don't need to pay anything for participation and trying out your skills and your patience. If you are lucky enough to become one of 8 winners, then a real money prize will be given to you. Prizes are starting from $5 and go up and up to $100! That is just crazy! So, I really haven't done anything special, but was trying to stay calm during the entire round. 30 minutes before the start I just checked the real trend on the market in general and specifically on the currency which i'd like to trade. A little piece of advice from me: when you try to make a quick and good prediction of next trend, base on the candles direction and reversals. That can actually save you".


2) What do you like about the Contest the most?

R: "What I like the Binary Blast the most is that it is here for you 3 times each week, so even if you lose today, you can always try again tomorrow. Plus, whenever you observe a good trend after the lost one, you can open a new one right away. Because there are 30 seconds short term options, there is a really big chance to cover it up, but don't hesitate. Catch your moment!".

3) What can you recommend to other participants?

R: "To all my friends who are competing on Ayrex, there is only one thing I would like to say (in my experience of trading on Ayrex I have won two times already) don't rush after opening as many trades as you can. First of all, try to understand the trend: whether it will continue or there is a big resistance that will cause a new direction. Lastly, thank you for giving me this possibility to win and to share my experience with other traders. That's just great".


Are you ready to win? Register for the free Demo Contest and check it out for yourself!




Sincerely yours,

Ayrex Team.

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Dear Traders,


How do you feel about trading the news? We've checked what is hot at the moment and prepared a short but informative list for you. Check it out!


FED decided not to increase interest rates and keep it in a range of 0.5% to 0.75%. "Measures of consumer and business sentiment have improved of late" the central bank mentioned.


President Trump meets Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe on February 10-11, where trade and currencies are likely to be discussed. Traders can keep a sharp eye on USD and JPY pairs.


The Dollar recovered form it's recent fall and now are going up for the highest level in 2017.


Superbowl 2017 ended with the New England Patriots becoming the Super Bowl champions once again. The Patriots’ quarterback Tom Brady most likely became one of the greatest players of all time.




Haven't actually traded the news before? No problem! You can always try it with Ayrex!


Sincerely yours,

Ayrex Team.

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Dear Traders,


Hedging is one of the most popular systems of money management. With it’s simple methods you can get kind of insurance against negative events and losses. It can also give you a perfect winning combination, if you adjust it to one trading strategy with the 60% winning rate or more. It’s main goal is to help you minimize your losses and gain a more profits with every green trade. It is usually considered as a first step towards intelligent trading.


Let’s say that asset’s price is going in the right direction and most likely will close higher than the open price. However, there are still 5 minutes until the end of your trade and result can change dramatically in a second. You can secure your winnings by opening another trade with the same asset, but instead of choosing the same direction, you need to click on the opposite one. For instance, if you have Call option in your first trade, choose Put for your second one.


There are only 3 ways how your trades can end:


1) Close price is higher than the open price. If your second trade was a Put option, you will win the first trade and lose the second one. Your loss from the second trade and profit from the first one will be 5% from the total loss of both investments (instead of 85%). As you can see, this method can help you to get secure against possible losses.


2) Close price is lower than the open price. In this case you will lose Call option, but win Put option in your second trade. Again, your loss will be only 5% of invested amounts.


3) Close price is higher for your first trade (Call option) and lower for the second trade (Put option). This is the best possible outcome, which will bring you double winnings.


Despite of all the positive sides, hedging should not be considered as an ultimate winning strategy, but it can be a real treasure in your money management.




Do you want to try intelligent trading? You can do it anytime on our free Demo Platform!


Sincerely yours,

Ayrex Team.

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Dear Traders,


What makes a good broker really special? Fast and simple platform, high payouts, helpful Customer Support? All these points are very important for every trader, however quick and painless withdrawal is just what can make you happy after a long trading day.


Only a couple of months ago we have introduced revolutionary automatic withdrawals system, which has already become one of the most popular features among our traders.

Do you want to know what it is? Here are 10 reasons why we think automatic withdrawals are awesome:

  1. To get your withdrawal processed automatically, you need to make sure that your account is verified with photos of your Identity and Address Proofs. However, this has to be done only once, which saves your time later on.
  2. Since automatic withdrawals are processed by the system, it will take as little as 30 seconds for us to complete it, which means that in a minute it will be on your balance.
  3. To make it more comfortable for you, we have decided to make it absolutely free. No commission, no fees.
  4. Autowithdrawals are available for the same electronic systems as the manual ones: Neteller and Skrill.
  5. To make sure that system will be able to process your request without the help from Financial Department, check that all your deposits are made with Neteller only or with Skrill only and with the same account.
  6. Automatic withdrawals available once in 24 hours, but you can withdraw as often as you like with manual withdrawals (1-3 hours).
  7. Request a withdrawal in a range from $5 up to $100 to get it processed automatically.
  8. There are 2 currencies in which you can withdraw: USD and EUR.
  9. Withdraw your funds in any time of day or night and even on weekends.
  10. Ayrex is one of the first brokers to provide traders with automatic withdrawals.


Discover all the amazing opportunities of automatic withdrawals with Ayrex!


Sincerely yours,

Ayrex Team.

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Dear Traders,


Paul Tudor Jones is one of the most famous traders nowadays. Born in 1954 in Memphis, he is also known as a businessman, philanthropist and 345th richest man in the world.


After graduating from the University of Virginia in 1976, Paul Tudor Jones started to work as a clerk on the trading floors and later on became a broker for E.F. Hutton & Co. These years can be easily considered as a part of his financial education and prepared him for the journey on his own. 2 years later he applied to Harvard Business School, but never went there, because: “For what I'm doing here, they're not going to teach me anything. This skill set is not something that they teach in business school”.


Shortly after that, Paul Tudor Jones started to work with Eli Tullis in trading cotton features at the New York Stock Exchange. These years have not been easy for him, but it was a great school of emotional control: “No matter how you cut it, there are enormous emotional ups and downs involved in trading”.


In 1980 Tudor Investment Corporation was founded, which currently works on such investment strategies as discretionary global macro, quantitative global macro (managed futures), discretionary equity long/short, quantitative equity market neutral and growth equity. In 1987 was one of the very few people, who noticed the similar features between 1929 market and the current one and could predict the Black Monday with tripling his funds.


Jones’ trading style is mostly based on technical analysis and current market situation. There are 10 trading rules, which he tends to follow:

  1. Contrarian investment strategy - find mispriced and undervalued investments and buy it.
  2. Market opportunism - when you develop an investing idea, don’t give up on it: keep checking it out until you are proven wrong or change your view on it.
  3. Swing trading - the best money is made at the market turns.
  4. Get out of a losing position that is making your feel uncomfortable. The key is to play great defense, not great offense.
  5. Decrease your trading size when you’re doing poorly, increase when all is well.
  6. Start making mental stops. If price hits that number, go out no matter what.
  7. Keep a sharp eye on risks involved in your trades.
  8. Check the prices moves first, not fundamentals.
  9. Do not get stuck on your previous mistakes, concentrate on the future.
  10. Don't be a hero. Don't have an ego. Always question yourself and your ability.


Learn how to trade like Paul Tudor Jones II with Ayrex!


Sincerely yours,

Ayrex Team.

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Dear Traders,

If you are looking for a way to improve your trading skills in short term trading and win $100 in one round, check out our Demo Contest!


The Contest is completely free, so everyone can join it anytime and get a real chance for a victory 3 times each week on Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 12:00 pm GMT.


Get ready to fight for 8 prizes with the best binary options traders!




Sincerely yours,

Ayrex Team.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Dear Traders,


Sometimes we just need to see a great example of trading style and bare luck to encourage us to move forward and keep improving our skills. For that purpose we’ve decided to bring you another interview with one of our free Demo Contest winners. Our hero of the day is Muhammad Z. (also known as LoDone), who has won in the Contest twice already ($50 and $75). His trading style includes pretty unique and interesting short term technics and here are 3 pieces of advice that he’d like to share with you.


Ayrex rep: “Hi Muhammad, could you tell us a little about yourself and your experience in binary options trading? How long have you been in this industry?"


Muhammad: “Hello! Well, that’s a tough question for me. You see, I have a massive background in trading, have been on Forex for the last 5 years, but my first binary options experience actually happened with you guys. Few months ago my best friend told me about your Contest and how he was trying it out, but without any real success. He didn’t won it or something but he was really thrilled by competition and the real chance to earn on trading. That sounded interesting to me and I’ve decided to give it a try. To be honest, I think that was one of my best decisions, cause I enjoy it still.


Ayrex rep: “That’s really great! And what about your trading practice? Do you spend some time to prepare for the Contest? Any secret techniques or rituals?”


Muhammad: “Absolutely! I like to be fully prepared for it, since it helps me to make the right decisions and that’s very important in 1-hour competition. What I like to do before it starts, is to relax, take a break from my work and simply walk a little bit (always good for your nerves). Once you are completely calm, check what’s going on on the market and choose your asset or 2 and focus on it. Don’t be nervous, because you will never be fully prepared for the rush no matter what you do, so just breath and think. No rush, no panic”.


Ayrex rep: “Totally agree. We share the same ideas about intelligent trading. By the way, is there anything in the Contest that you like the most?”

Muhammad: ”Actually, yes, there is. The best point of it for me is that you can take part 3 times a week. So many opportunities to win! And if lose today that does not upset me as much as it could, because I can try again 2 more times”.


We hope, that this interview will help you in your trading activities. You can also check your trading skills and compete for 8 prizes in our free Demo Contest on Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 12:00 pm GMT sharp. Good luck!




Sincerely yours,

Ayrex Team.

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Dear Traders,


In constant attempt to help our clients to avoid blind trading and to keep it as intelligent as possible, we would like to start a little tradition of posting the basic information and tips about the major trading strategies. We hope that if you are only taking the first steps in discovering the fascinating world of binary options, you’ll find it helpful and interesting, and if you are already a guru, you are welcome to share your own views on the matter


Being created back in 1980s by the small group of computer scientists, mathematicians and physicists, pairs trading strategy focuses on determining 2 currency pairs with strong historical correlation. Keeping it short, pairs trader monitors performance of both pairs and when one asset starts to move up and another one falls simultaneously, shorts the outperforming asset and longs the underperforming one. In such case, the main profit consists of the spread between them.


Pairs trading brought more than $50 millions to its creators only in the first years and can be considered as one of the most profitable strategies, if you posses the right skills for it. To become successful pairs trader, pay special attention to your position sizing, market timing and decision making skills.


Have you ever tried trading with such strategy? You can always check your trading skills on Ayrex!




Sincerely yours,

Ayrex Team.

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Dear Traders,


When we are speaking about the most prominent and self-made investors of our age, we definitely can not miss this man. Born in 1955 in New York City John Paulson have gone far on the success path and became one of the most inspirational Ameircan investors, hedge fund managers and philantropists. He is also favourited by publicity and often called as "one of the most prominent names in high finance" and "a man who made one of the biggest fortunes in Wall Street history".


Deliberately choosing finance as his future career, John Paulson enrolled in NYU and became a business student. In 1978 he graduated with honour in finance from New York University's College of Business and Public Administration. Afterwards, he decided to continue his education in Harvard Business School, which he successfully finished in 1980 with a MBA.


His career in finance started shortly after at Boston Consulting Group, where he provided companies with professional advice and thoughtful research. However, his main goal at that time was working on Wall Street and he had decided to achieve it by working at Odyssey partners and Bear Stearns. In 1994 he finally had a chance to found his own hedge fund Pauslon & Co. with $2 only. By 2003 his fund has grown to the phenomenal $300 million in assets.


Paulson's the most favourite drawcard is event-driven arbitrage strategy and let's see why exactly he prefers such style of investment. Quite often this system works by the following scenario: a trader waits and monitors the market for announcement from one company that it is going to buy another one. At that particular moment, a trader rushes to buy the target company's shares, shorting the acquirer's stock and profiting on the difference between two shares prices when the merger is closed.


He became truly famous for his successful bet on the subprime mortgage crisis. A couple of years before the crisis itself, John Paulson began to clearly understand that at that time housing was in a bubble. He began then taking short positions in securities sector, which as he predicted will be the most severely affected when the bubble bursts. Just before the collapse, he started to increse his positions and eventually his fund made more than $15 billion on one suprime bet.


Considering the amazing success story of John Paulson, there are really tons of lessons that we can learn from him, but one of his best trading pieces of advice can be this one: “Many investors make the mistake of buying high and selling low while the exact opposite is the right strategy to outperform over the long term.”


Check your own trading skills with Ayrex!




Sincerely yours,

Ayrex Team.

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AYREX : Show YOUR BROKER LICENSE Infos.....In December 2016, You had NO LICENSE :(


Ayrex Broker Details



Founded in 2014, Ayrex is a binary options broker located at Office 590, Suites 5 Horsfords Business Centre, Long Point Road, Charlestown and owned by Advanced Binary Technologies Limited. The Support phone number in United Kingdom is +44 20 3322 7337


Ayrex offers about 100 assets for their traders and a wide range of option types and expiry times.The minimum trade amount is $5 and the minimum deposit is $50.




Ayrex Regulation



What we look for in binary option brokers to determine if they are a LEGIT broker (https://binaryscamadvisor.net/) or a scam broker is very simple. Are they licensed by a serious regulation body such as the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (CySEC (http://www.cysec.gov.cy/en-gb/home/)) ?


Checking Ayrex in December 2016, we found out that they do NOT have a broker license.


When you pick a binary options broker it is always important to check their regulation status in order to find a valid licence. Otherwise, you better stay away from it.


After reading a lot of complaints from traders concerning Ayrex , and given the fact that they are NOT regulated by any authority, we can tell you that your money is definitely not safe with them.Stay away from www.ayrex.com




Reference page : https://binaryscamadvisor.net/ayrex/

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Ayrex Broker Details



Founded in 2014, Ayrex is a binary options broker located at Office 590, Suites 5 Horsfords Business Centre, Long Point Road, Charlestown and owned by Advanced Binary Technologies Limited. The Support phone number in United Kingdom is +44 20 3322 7337


Ayrex offers about 100 assets for their traders and a wide range of option types and expiry times.The minimum trade amount is $5 and the minimum deposit is $50.




Ayrex Regulation



What we look for in binary option brokers to determine if they are a LEGIT broker (https://binaryscamadvisor.net/) or a scam broker is very simple. Are they licensed by a serious regulation body such as the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (CySEC (http://www.cysec.gov.cy/en-gb/home/)) ?


Checking Ayrex in December 2016, we found out that they do NOT have a broker license.


When you pick a binary options broker it is always important to check their regulation status in order to find a valid licence. Otherwise, you better stay away from it.


After reading a lot of complaints from traders concerning Ayrex , and given the fact that they are NOT regulated by any authority, we can tell you that your money is definitely not safe with them.Stay away from www.ayrex.com




Reference page : https://binaryscamadvisor.net/ayrex/


Hello Shenong,


Thank you for your post! Please, notice that at the moment Ayrex operates under the international business license Reg. no: C44622, full list of our Terms and Conditions is also presented on our website https://www.ayrex.com/terms/#/ with all the required information about us.


We have also applied for CySEC license and currently working on adjusting our platform and services according to it's requirements. We have never stated that we already had a license before.


However, it's hard to agree that only broker with CySEC regulation can be considered as legit (what about other regulators and reliable companies?), as well as that there are only complaints about our work. There is hardly any broker without any complaints and we receive any we fix it and refund it.


According to our traders, they value our services for reliable deposits and isntant withdrawals, pretty fast execution speed (0.028 seconds), friendly Customer Support, which is ready to help you 24/5 and free Demo Platform for practice.


If you have any personaly complaints about our work, we are always here to receive it and fix it immediately.


Have a nice day!

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Hi Ayrex Team Man


I have personally nothing to complain about, since i am not one of your customer....I have just reported some infos from a "serious" site (checked out through my personal reviews / analyses / comparisons on the web )....


Of course, i agree that some other REGULATIONS may exist elsewhere.....Which ones, where, how much serious / reliable are they ?




S :)

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Hi Shenong,


No problem, thank you for clarifying it! To be honest, the review on the website does not seem impartial, since it does not cover the basic information about our services.


As for the regulation question, it is one of the most important for us at the moment. We have decided to start with CySEC for now and likely to apply for other licenses (like FCA's, for instance) in the future.

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Dear Traders,


On March 15 US Federal reserve is going to set interest rates on loans and advances to commercial banks. According to the chair of the Board of Governors Janet Yellen, an increase is very likely to happen, which will boost USD significantly and, on the contrary, a rate cut will weaken it.


"At our meeting later this month, the committee will evaluate whether employment and inflation are continuing to evolve in line with our expectations, in which case a further adjustment of the federal funds rate would likely be appropriate," Yellen said in a speech in Chicago on March 3.


To sum it up, FED's decision can be a perfect chance to profit! Don't miss it!




Sincerely yours,

Ayrex Team.

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Dear Traders,


Have you ever been wondering what's common between global investment and traveling the world on your bike?


According to "the Indiana Jones of finance" Jim Rogers, a lot! His book "Investment biker" is not only about finance but about adventure and gives a perfect picture of where you can make a million and where you can lose one. Enjoy an unexpected look at financial markets and world's economies from the point of view of the man, who founded his own fund at the age of 31.


Take a breathtaking adventure with Jim Rogers and Ayrex!




Sincerely yours.

Ayrex Team.

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Dear Traders,


We are happy to announce the latest version of your Android application for on the go binary options trading!


The most important development in this app for us its ability to trade with indicators.


Classic and steady Bollinger bands and Moving Averages are already at your service and ready to help with the better analysis.


Start making more profit with the indicators' help!



Sincerely yours,

Ayrex Team.

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Dear Traders,


Speaking of the most popular strategies nowadays it's hard not to mention martingale strategy. Basically, martingale can be helpful in recouping losses and gaining a little profit in the same time.


The main rule in martingale is to double up your investment after each loss until you finally win. As a result, you get back your previous investment and profit from the last successful trade.


Although martingale gathered a huge popularity among traders, it is considered to be high risked, so if you decide to work with it, do it carefully and with your full attention.


Discover the fascinating world of binary options trading with Ayrex!




Sincerely yours,

Ayrex Team.

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Dear Traders,


Bloomberg called this man the “Wall Street’s greatest trader”, while Forbes estimated his fortune in $1.05 billion in February 2017. Millions of people keep wondering what is Michael Steinhardt’s secret ingredient of success. In the meantime, he is reinventing investing over and over again.


The future "greatest trader" was born in 1940 in New York City. His family was not an easy one: Michael's father was Sol Frank Steinhardt - hot-tempered high-stakes gambler, who had a lot of acquaintances in the criminal world.


Despite the uneasy family background, Michael has always been eager to study and in 1960 he graduated from the University of Pennsylvania. His first steps in finance were made as an analyst and researcher for Calvin Bullock mutual fund company and in the brokerage firm called Loab Rhoades & Co. By 1967 Steinhardt, Fine, Berkovitz & Co. hedge fund company was founded. Steinhardt invested $10000 of his own earnings from investments. The company was very successful due to the special approach implemented by its founder: deep analysis of the macro market situation allowed to adapt company’s strategy to it perfectly. In 1995 Steinhardt made a decision to leave at the top of his career. By this moment the company was worth $4.8 million.


"I thought there must be something more virtuous, more ennobling to do with one's life than making rich people richer," he said. "It's not the sort of thing from which you would go straight up to heaven."


In 2004 Steinhardt started to work in WisdomTree Investments, which focuses on earnings-based index funds.


Steinhardt’s investment style is more about short term strategic trading. According to Charles Kirk, Steinhardt prefers to use several "rules of investing":

  • Make all your mistakes early in life. The more tough lessons early on, the fewer errors you make later.
  • Always make your living doing something you enjoy.
  • Be intellectually competitive. The key to research is to assimilate as much data as possible in order to be to the first to sense a major change.
  • Make good decisions even with incomplete information. You will never have all the information you need. What matters is what you do with the information you have.
  • Always trust your intuition, which resembles a hidden supercomputer in the mind. It can help you do the right thing at the right time if you give it a chance.
  • Don't make small investments. If you're going to put money at risk, make sure the reward is high enough to justify the time and effort you put into the investment decision.

Investing rules can be different for every trader. You can set your own with Ayrex right now!



Sincerely yours,

Ayrex Team.

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Dear Traders,


On Friday hundreds of traders took part in the 222nd Binary Blast Contest and as always competition was tough. Many of you have asked us how to become one of 8 winners and claim your prize and today we decided to prepare another interview with one of the Contest winners for you. One of the winners of the last Contest from India IndianWolf (6th place) was kind enough to share his thoughts and advice about it with us. Hope, you'll find useful on your way to becoming one of the best binary options traders!


Ayrex rep.: "Hi, IndianWolf! Congratulations on your victory in the last round! Could you tell us a little how do you prepare for each round? Are there any special rituals you like to do before it?"

IndianWolf: "My preparation includes getting my mind off from any current situation like being happy or sad or anything else. I cut the emotional part in my trading. Yes, actually I follow a ritual like closing my eyes and telling myself why am I doing it and how exactly am I going to do it".


Ayrex rep.: "Right mindset is really everything, isn't it? And is there anything that you like about the Contest the most? Or maybe there is something that you don't like?"


IndianWolf: "For me, the timing of one hour is the best that can be, cause it makes you bring out the best in you. Also, I wish the Contest would run forever, so we could see the traders that are really the best. I mean they gain 500-800% return in just 1-hour, that's insane!".


Ayrex rep.: "Totally agree! Very often we get to see the most impressive trading performance, like the one you've shown. Could you give any personal recommendations to other traders about it, please?"


IndianWolf: What I can really recommend is to avoid rushing into trading in the first minutes, cause it is just chaos that will be ruling your mind. Instead, wait for 15-20 min: by that time all losers will quit and you'll be able to see the leaderboard and plan accordingly. I won because I placed the majority of my trades in the last 30 minutes. Thank you for giving me this opportunity".


Don't miss your chance to fight for the victory! Join the Demo Contest on Monday, Wednesday or Friday at 12:00 pm EET!



Sincerely yours,

Ayrex Team.

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Is Europe breaking apart?


French presidential candidate Marine Le Pen talks about making France "a true country" and leaving the euro zone, while German Chancellor Angela Merkel is preparing for the coming uneasy election.

The UK Prime Minister Theresa May most likely to fight to battles preparing for Brexit and dealing with the Scottish independence.


Seems like we can expect a very high volatility period in the near future and it's time to make more profit!



Sincerely yours,

Ayrex Team.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I made a deposit in AYREX and I traded with this broker of binary options. Of ayrex I really liked its platform, very easy to handle with good options in terms of closing each trade. I also acknowledge the speed of execution of each order trade certainly is a broker with a very fast platform unlike others I've tried. The deposit bonuses they grant require a volume of 30 times the value of the bond. Profit withdrawals are possible at any time and quickly reach neteller and skrill.

There is a competition for experienced traders with good prizes up to number 8.

Without doubt AYREX filled my expectations with all the above and lastly the friendliness of their customer service and the fast verification of the account.

You are invited to try this broker so you will realize that this review is not a hoax. I recommend it.

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Dear Traders,


What do you value the most in your broker? Reliability, usability, simplicity?


In Ayrex we keep constant work on providing you with the best trading experience.


Although improvement is not an easy process, your support helps us greatly on the way of making the platform the best!


Give your vote for us on FxDailyinfo.com in the "Best Binary Options Broker" nomination, if you have truly enjoyed trading with us and would like to support us!




Sincerely yours,

Ayrex Team.

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Ayrex is a good new platform, it provides me with a fast closure-opening/execution of positions and lot of assets to operate. Support is fast and professional and the android app now has indicators to manage the market. The deposit and withdrawal is also fast for me. I would like to open positions from less to 5usd.
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