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DTPOrderBookImbalance {UPDATE}


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This is how it looks 30/10 minutes bar for cl:




Like you see in the image, in bar 13:20 buyers were not able to support price, up previous value, turnning again inside previous value. It's nice to see that we have exhaustion up this point becasue we have only 9 buyers and one tic down we have 597. If this buyers can't suppport the way up out of value, it's easy that loosing this point the market will turn inside previous value.

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Things like that is what i like to see, because you can spot real supply and demand zones, based on buy or sell intentions:




If you see on the image, the poc for buyers on previous bars are very little. Going against this big orders can be a little hard with this participants, and you can expect a choppy action around this area. It's an interesting zone to look at it, because all can happens, but you know wich was the situation, and you can read the print, happens what happens ;)

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  DayTraderProfesional said:


Hi there


Plese do you know exactly the rule of absorptions items??


from their website



Look areas where it has clear intention from traders to start or continue a direction. Use the parameters to filter those intentions in the indicator, based on a maximum or minimum volume.



thank you in advanced

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Hi thedriver,


Let me show you an example for todays, at E-mini ES




i don't use magic formulas, complex algos or somenting like that. What i mean for absorption is only big volumes with no efect in direction. Nothing more, nothing less.


You can choose to compare it, diagonally, horizontal or both. Set a minimum volume to plot a draw or higlight a text

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  DayTraderProfesional said:
It's important to know if the market was absorbing or not in the highs, because you can know where was the last value and were the market hasn't value:





please exactly what are the " the last value and we're the market hasn't value" in your opinion? something similar like the HighVolumeNode??


thank you

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