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Ninja demo no longer available?

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Has anyone heard about a change in policy regarding the Ninja demo and AMP? I have a live account with AMP and was able to get Ninja demo, although I had to specifically request it each month. I've been requesting the demo for awhile now and never had any issues but was just told that AMP no longer offers the free Ninja demo. Has anyone else run into this with AMP? Thanks.
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Just my thoughts: In the end Ninja will only be available through Ninjatrader using Continuum. Existing licensed users still can make use of their current broker. But I think that in the end Ninja users will all end up with Ninjatrader and Continuum (flavor of CQG for Ninjatrader borker). With only Ninjatrader offering Ninja, Ninja users will suffer from a lack of competition between brokers as only Ninjatrader will offer Ninja.

Ninjatrader wants both the brokerage and software business for Ninja users in an exclusive way.

In the past AMP was a big Ninja broker and now they even stop the demo option. NEW licenses can only be obtained from Ninjatrader and not any other broker. Once Ninja 8 is an official version, I am sure Ninjatrader will stop offering the Ninja 7 demo right away (it makes no sense to demo an outdated product compared to the new Ninja 8). That is why I like initiatives like Agena trader (very similar to Ninja, also for scripting) which can be obtained from various brokers who compete on price and services.

I think one must be prepared that the Ninja 7 demo option will be gone soon. Or buy a license at Ninjatrader for Ninja 7 and have a Ninjatrader account to get the required datafeed.

These are just my thoughts and I may be wrong.

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Just my thoughts: In the end Ninja will only be available through Ninjatrader using Continuum. Existing licensed users still can make use of their current broker. But I think that in the end Ninja users will all end up with Ninjatrader and Continuum (flavor of CQG for Ninjatrader borker). With only Ninjatrader offering Ninja, Ninja users will suffer from a lack of competition between brokers as only Ninjatrader will offer Ninja.

Ninjatrader wants both the brokerage and software business for Ninja users in an exclusive way.

In the past AMP was a big Ninja broker and now they even stop the demo option. NEW licenses can only be obtained from Ninjatrader and not any other broker. Once Ninja 8 is an official version, I am sure Ninjatrader will stop offering the Ninja 7 demo right away (it makes no sense to demo an outdated product compared to the new Ninja 8). That is why I like initiatives like Agena trader (very similar to Ninja, also for scripting) which can be obtained from various brokers who compete on price and services.

I think one must be prepared that the Ninja 7 demo option will be gone soon. Or buy a license at Ninjatrader for Ninja 7 and have a Ninjatrader account to get the required datafeed.

These are just my thoughts and I may be wrong.


I understand your concerns profile.Are AMP still offering a free demo of Agena Trader? Btw regarding Agena Trader itself, does it have the integrated support of the main data feed providers and major brokerages for the commercial trader?

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@profile, I completely agree. I am absolutely certain it is Ninja's plan to squeeze everyone else out and force users to use their brokerage. That is not even an option for me as Ninja does not accept users from my country - they seem to think we have too much rules and regulations.

I'm not familiar with Agena but I will look into it. Thanks.

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I am not related to Ninja or AMP or Agena. Nor do I wish to promote anything. I just want to share my thoughts regarding future of Ninja.

@JimJamBonks. Possesing a lifetime license does not guarantee anything. See what is in the terms of conditions:

c. Lifetime Licenses. If User purchases a lifetime license to use the Software/Service, User

agrees that without limitation certain features of the software may not be available or supported in

perpetuity. User also agrees that Company shall have the right to change features associated with the

Software/Service in Company’s sole discretion, and that Company may choose to discontinue support

of Software/Service at any time. User shall not be entitled to a refund of the lifetime license fee under

any circumstances.


Still, I think in the end all Ninja users will end up with Ninjatrader broker and Continuum datafeed. No matter what license you now own. It is not only AMP dropping Ninja as Ninja indirectly forces that by the new Ninja businees policy of getting all Ninja users at their brokerage.

Just my thoughts and I may be worng.

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I just tried getting a AMP/CQG Multicharts Demo. The CQG/Mulitcharts login credentials from AMP don't work with Ninjatrader.


Ninjatrader is really trying to monopolize both software and brokerage. It's great for traders looking for a One Stop/All-In-One package, but for traders who have a preferred brokerage, this is unfair and upsetting.

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It would appear I have bestowed more integrity upon Ninjatrader than they deserve. Looking into it a little more and it would seem they really are trying to force people down an ever more limited path. I would take my business elsewhere but nobody else really does what I need. It's all beginning to sound like this was a long-term plan - and we've been mugged. :D
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