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here is the last latest updated nodetrader i will post


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i will probably not be able to get anymore from this group as my time is up with learning the system and not going to pay 1000 for it




from the trading room his last update for 2015


Ok Guys and Gals - This is the latest update and last update for 2015.


Here are the changes:


RTH Session Highs and Lows shown (no need for you to do anything to see these - just set ALL times to your time zone)


Globex Highs and Lows shown (no need for you to do anything to see these - just set ALL times to your time zone)


Auction Points - Just choose to show either or both - auction point trades and/or auction points - the default trade colors are mediumorchid for shorts and mediumseagreen for longs


What is an auction point? See the previous post and/or video in Google Groups.




Attend at least one daily session per week - so you know what's up - what the changes are - how to trade them - how to trade - how to be successful - how you can do this - how you can trade for a living - how to keep your trading real,how a successful; trader thinks during the trading day etc...


If I don't see you at least once per week and then you are lost because you haven't updated in 6 months - it's ok but really, if you want to see success - stay with me - stay in tune - stay informed - stay current.


This is my goal for 2016 - make $250,000 in real trading income by simply applying our approach on a daily basis and that approach is simple. We all have the trades - WAIT WAIT WAIT until you have space to trade (nothing is in your way) and then take the stinkin' entry. Let's don't complicate 2016.


I want to thank each and everyone of you for mostly your desire to trade for a living. I want to feed that desire and watch it flourish and grow and see you SUCCEED. You will have losses - you will make mistakes - but if you are PATIENT - CONSISTENT - and show some MOXIE when it is time to enter - you will be successful. Let's do it together!


Good Trading!


val from node trader


the last and latest node trader with auction point very interesting he has video on you tube ill post it




his 300 tick template




his 2 min template




its worth the look if these fine gentlman and ladies can educate these new ones it really is an alright system as an addon not to trade his signal but support resistence levels for the most part are pretty damm good ...hope everyone has a safe and happy new years

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Here it's the edu of this latest release (2015-12-30):



Happy New Year!





I just wanted to pass on my appreciation for your tireless efforts over the past year.


You always come through for us and without your contribution this forum would be garbage.


Best Wishes for 2016.


Warm Regards



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