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Traderbeauty Method for the ES.


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your welcome as you have also so succinctly previously pointed out these natural vibrations employing fib ratios work even on a micro level....coupled with PA and simple trend lines become a very powerful tool and non lagging...I do like some of these tests/retests combining fib pivots with fibs to frame price as well and adding some additional confluence......


Anyhow, take care Jane and all the great contributors to this forum and have a relaxing weekend !

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so here is an explanation where i am going to take profit.

this is a weekly chart- just to help you see the levels with less clatter.

my target is the 1.2 or- 1733 but then i look on the right and fine tune it with a lesser time frame- meaning the 1.6 or 1721.

i am filing a formal complaint against the maqrket for not filling me with more contracts lol

only one contract ( its actually 6 but for my system i consider it one) its so frustrating- i have to decide exactly where to exit - i cannot scale out- bummer.

so 1908.5- 1721 is almost 200 points- not bad for one contract :).

look at the candle- look at the volume of last week and you can clearly see that this is going down.( redbullish- if i am not mistaken you were right- and i was wrong )

now- there is one more scenario that we are going to find out very soon----


if the market gets down the the 78 or in numbers 1834 and then reverses and start to go up that means that my initial scenario is back in play and the market will go up to the big 61 or maybe even to the upper trenline.


but only the market knows lol


i am prepared to any probable scenario- so lets see what happens live.


take care



oh- forgot to mention that down there at 1721 or most likely at the 1.6 1633 9 minus few points ) I AM GOING LONG WITH NO STOPS - first time in few years lol




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Mmmh i think i was wrong too because i was also expecting the long bounce :)

At least now my fibs are the same as yours: 78% as you pointed out is last barrier for the long bounce, and 127% extension should be the 1st target if it breaks the low

Also 50% 1872.50 is good to short if now it makes a slow retracement to it

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i am a chicken

got out at 1934.5

i saw that the move down has slowed tremendously and there were lots of divergences.

i could have squeezed some more points but still 1908.5- 1834.5 is 76 points - almost 4k multiplied by six not too bad...

today daily candle is very bullish-its a pin bar or doji with high volume - if it was low volume then i would say its a continuation but we are just bellow the 78 and we might get a nice reversal which i pray for so i can get back in.

take care


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LOL, All the conviction, all projections and Fib levels, all the followers and even a front page of Forbes, and after all that a day later trade is closed ? :) Just kidding Jane....flexibility and not dying with ones opinion is most important....well done !! Thanks for your honesty.



Edited by wcicom
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i guess i am a smart chicken- market already went up to 1878 while i got out at 1834.5

that is why trading is not science but art.

its like playing chess against millions of other traders.

you have your goal and targets and direction- but then the opponent is making a move- you cannot close your eyes and stick to your target- you have to adjust and change your move and that is exactly what i did.

the trick is to be able to judge the market AHEAD of time and that is what i do- there is no pride here- the only way to judge is by your profits.

take care


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made $800 - day trading no indicators at all.

did that on a simulator because my execution computer is separate and its too much of a hustle to send images to this one.

i used 1 contract most of the time up to 3 max.

only took me 2 hours and then i quit :).

hope that helps



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Traders- this is a letter from my heart so you better listen carefully.

I have been trading for 16 years now, made all the possible mistakes, lost all the possible money around, went up, went down, tried and tested almost every possible indicator, strategy, magic lines, magic dots , magic bs.

Most of you keep chasing indicators and i fully understand it- you say to yourself- hey- if someone is selling this set for 3-5 K it must be worth a lot and i should spend 2 weeks testing it or maybe trading it ( since i get it for free- thank you educators and specifically admis ). But unfortunately- the ugly truth is that you can buy all of them and you wont make a dime.


After many many years of trading and testing new idea constantly- i came to the realization that most of the stuff you have in the market is garbage and will cause you losses.


The only way to make money is to read the market whether using volume ( i dont do that but i respect the ones that do ) or price or both.


As i started yesterday i will prove to you every single day that it can be done easily with no stress- just use your brain- nothing else.


Today i only made $712 but that was due to a huge volatility and to the fact that i was very careful - most of the time i use 1 contract- only few times i use two.

I DO NOT USE STOPS- if needs to i will add another position.

I rarely lose and that is what i do every single day ( today i worked only two hours and went to the gym).

I only use fib levels ( you can check the displayed chart and understand where and why i entered). i dont have the time or patience to explain every entry- but its basically the same as my position trading.

If i do it you can definitely do the same- i am not a genius or have extraordinary iq lol.

i will continue to show my results till you get convinced.

hope that help








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