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Trade better by training your mind!!! Read this article!!!

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Why Being A 'Giver' leads to a more better performance in Trading?[/b]



Greed is usually described as an irresistible crave to possess more of something than what you actually need. In other words, greed is wanting bite off more than you can chew. While that ambition is good to some extent, when we are traders because we cannot be conformists, when it becomes greed can be a serious problem. As the well known philosopher Seneca used to say “ there is no avarice without penalty" in fact, there are plenty of entrepreneurs who failed due to their avarice: the protagonist of the "Wolf of Wall Street" was indeed a great leader but his greed drove him crazy and made him fail in both his professional and personal life. Humans’ brains are naturally activated by financial awards, which in the same way as drugs produce an incredible but perilous feeling and thus an addictive experience. Certain traders who join the business world for the emotional agitation and desire of hitting that emotional high, are addicted to the release of certain brain chemicals that determine those states of happiness, euphoria and relaxation. Before mentioned fact can also imply that such traders are susceptible to all addictions and this greed damage their state of mind at all levels.


I am sure that all of us, at some point, have heard the saying we must give without expecting nothing in return. However, what people do not realize is that by doing so, we are enormously increasing our competitive advantages as well as our outlook. Several questions come to our mind when we think about trading: does the trader's mindset destroying their profit? Building traders with ethical concern is a task difficult to achieve due to the fact that we are surrounded on every hand by materialism. However, by giving, you make people happier and by doing so, you also feel happier and make better trading decisions. According to Bill Williams, famous trader and writer of “Trading Chaos” people with a “giving” mindset would enjoy more success. For example, later in his career Bill always traded two accounts, one for himself and one for his charities. And the charity account always made more money, even though he traded the same method in both accounts. In the charity account he never veered from his strategy, while in his own account he would sometimes take a trade based on a “feel”, or get in a trade before the actual signal. it is important to stick to a plan, however it is also understand the importance of being a giver.


Bill Williams is not the only one with those believes; according to Adam Grant's research Give&Take, one of the main common professional goals desired by entrepreneurs is to make a difference and help others, so they maximize their wealth over the next communing years and start giving back. What is it more interesting about Adam Grant's research is that those successful people started out giving long before they achieved major success.If you look back in history, the most successful leaders are givers such Abraham Lincoln between others. When A.Lincoln started his presidency, Lincoln used to sit down with every person who passed by the White House. People in his own administration criticized him for catering to the whim of a suffering soul while overlooking the needs of the country. He resolved to set boundaries and ask himself, "Is this where I can have the greatest impact?" This is a critical question for a leader.


As you know, one of the most important things in any kind of business is to build a strong customer relationship. By giving, we are not only helping out someone but also building up some kind of relationship that could someday mean something for you. It is true that any relationship must work both ways to be functional but, before anything of this happens, you need to give with zero expectations of return. By doing so, You'll perceive the world differently, and be a better person because of it. If you give you automatically will have an advantage over many other people in life because you are never distressed waiting for your "payment" to come in. You just give and you're happier for it. By that said, traders who are givers in their working lives landed are at the top of the most successful trading operations.


Being a Giver is something that either you are born with it or you can actually get it by working on it, day by day, like any other change of perception you might go through. It is something that anyone can’t instill on you for you. You have to work for it. However, if you were born with this, keep doing it! Don’t let cynic people tell you that you are not getting anything in life by doing it. It is actually an enormous leverage and advantage among others in life and it is highly recommended. Nowadays, there are companies called CIC (community interest companies) that are making this dream come through, however, few of them operates at the financial sector such as the english broker company Forex Nation that gives their profits to Microcredits.

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