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Educate request J Baker Analytics software


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A bit harsh there Wanderer. Your intentions are noble, but we all know how noble intentions really play out in real life. The fact that one trader can make money with any system and the other one can't - says nothing at all about how good or bad that system is, as a matter of fact over 90% will fail with any system, I am sure you know that if you have traded for any length of time at all.


What yamantaka is saying is that it's pretty naive and unrealistic to expect vendor, who have spent countless hours and funds on development of the system, education materials, promotion etc, to give you his system for free and then sit and wait and hope that you just may be one of those 5-10% of traders who will make money with his system, and on top of you being that rare bread of traders who will become profitable...there is still question of honesty and actually paying him, maybe in Disney Land some day....:)

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@yamantaka and @Wanderer .... guys you both right. We are here to discuss how to make money and help each other out. So stop putting each other down and shake your hands. Lets discuss how to help each other and make money and even educate more system if we have to, to find out if these system help us achieve our goals.
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