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Acme Analytics Bonanza


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I have noticed a major interest in Acme Market Analytics in the forum and some requesting the various packages and associated templates. So as Darktrader Brad once told me "there's Gold in them Archive hills", I set myself on those DVDs again and managed to find these, and I arranged them for you. A zip file containing these 12 Acme Market Analytics packages


Acme Market Study Pack 4.0.3 (AnyNT).zip

Acme Market Study Pack 4.0.3 Pro-patched.zip

Acme TPO Pack Pro patched.zip

Acme VolumeBreakdown Pro (AnyNT).zip

Acme Volume Profile Pack 4.1.6 Pro (AnyNT).zip


Acme Market Study Pack 4.0.3 Pro (AnyNT).zip

Acme Trade Planning Pack Deluxe patched.zip

Acme Volume Extras Pack 4.0.7 Deluxe (AnyNT).zip

Acme VWAP Pack 4.0.1 Free.zip


Acme Market Internals 4.0.6 Deluxe patched.zip

Acme Time And Sales Pack Pro patched.zip

Acme Trend Analysis Pack 4.0.8 Free.zip

Acme Volume Impression Pack 4.1.1 (AnyNT).zip


I believe they were are all fixed/educated by one of our educators in the past, perhaps Zeraw, JMD or futuretrader, sadly no more with II forum but bless them all.Also I have included the relevant and associated templates for all the packages.I have tried to import all of them and they work.

Regarding the templates just unzip them and place them in

Ninjatrader7/templates/chart directory.




AcmeBonanzapackages.zip (2.13MB)



For those new to the Acme tools, here are some links you want to check out




Good trading to you and Cheers,:)



Thanks Andrew.Very useful share! Btw, why is it that everytime,you make a contributing share/post, for trading mags, ebooks, forex/futures software,etc, it looks like a work of art? I am jealous! ;)) Hehe

I hope life remains less stressful now without HFT trading dude. Take care

Edited by Darktrader
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Thanks Andrew.Very useful share! Btw, why is it that everytime,you make a contributing share/post, for trading mags, ebooks, forex/futures software,etc, it looks like a work of art? I am jealous! ;)) Hehe

I hope life remains less stressful now without HFT trading dude. Take care



Ahahahahahaha, Well Brad you know that right after UCLA, I worked as an advertising copywriter for a major tech firm in Palo Alto right? Hey I'm jealous of your MMA skills so we're even.Heh.Yes life certainly is less stressful without the SEC's heat on our backs

Regards matey.

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who da man? you da man CashManic!!!!

cheers i was looking for the volume balance tool...


Many thanks david.

Btw you can find the Acme Volume Balance indicator in the Volume Breakdown package which was uploaded. After importing the Acme Volume Breakdown and restarting NT7 open a chart and go to Indicators and look for AcmeVolumeBalance indicator.

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Welcome to the Ponderosa Ranch!!!

Please tell me Cash, which of the 4 are you?


Many thanks !!!



Ahahahahahahahaha! After X'mas dinner last year I looked like Hoss Cartwright but I don't mind saying I bear a certain resemblance to Little Joe Cartwright :D;)

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