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Reaction Point NT addon John Cr@ne medicine request


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John Cr@ne has a method by which actions of the past predict future reactions - and as such possible reversal points. So no lagging indicator stuff, but learning how to read the market.

I will include in this thread some background information as well as a request for a medicine for the Reaction Point Ninja addon which is designed to partly automate the process which otherwise has to be done manually.


A simple introduction to the method in 8 minutes

On Youtube there is also the network with more videos http://www.youtube.com/user/Tradersnetworkinc/videos


Longer length video. Video quality is poor but all you need to see to grab the idea is visible. https://www.sendsp@ce.com/file/rgisth @=a

Although it says part 1, there is only one part.


Some ebooks with more details http://www.sendsp@ce.com/filegroup/G67ucKjkJT%2FNWF1P02egeQ @=a


The website http://www.re@ctionpointtrading.com/ @=a


How to install, setup and the manual at http://www.reactionpointtr@ding.com/thank/ @=a


Here is my request:

Trial file https://www.sendsp@ce.com/file/tr7wyl @=a Can someone please educate this NT indicator ? Many thanks in advance !

Edited by profile
needed to add info which I forgot in first instance
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  profile said:

Here is my request:

Trial file ... Can someone please educate this NT indicator ? Many thanks in advance !


This is a very good example how should look a request. Well done!

Actually, I did it in the September (the same release). This time in the source form: (lack of time to play with a binaries):



btw: profile: You've uploaded only 1st part of video (with a pass: www.c...fx.com) (rar)

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Apollo12, Here is the video http://www.sendspace.com/filegroup/lGLzrk4qzo8dqbDHbrBghDxrJvjlrkLS

When I watched the video I thought"another seller working with those optimized charts where all works perfect.

Well, when you watch the video just try to follow John and make notes. Soon you will see that the same occurs on your charts.

By doing this you can not only predict when the market will turn, but also at which target you should aim.

No green/red arrows: it is up to you to analyse the markets, so it is a lot of work/thinking to be done.

John uses daycharts, but you may well work with 30 minutes or lower charts. At those lower timeframes it is harder to see how the market develops and which reactions/retracements you should take into account. His books are a must read if you want to go this path.

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A new version with major improvements has been released. It would be great if someone is able to educate so more members here at II may benefit.

Major improvements are:

- More advanced trend indicator taking into account multiple time frames

- Indication of retracements which are not part of the logic pattern. Without these indications you may get lost in overseeing price action and the market movement.


Here is the uneducated file https://www.sendspace.com/file/cn97lt


Admis has educated the previous version (see post 2).


On behalf of others as well here at II: many thanks for educating

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  novicetrader said:
Hi Profile, the link you provided in above post (post 11) ask for machine ID MY_ID:_______; What should i put in there?


Thank you.


Hi novicetrader---Just FYI on my end just tested with indi re-posted(Thanks profile)--(and much Thanks to admis- for work) from post 10 not 11(post 11 is yours)--and works on this end--

Win7NT7V26--plotting with no messages

Happy Holidays To ALL !!

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  Jeck said:
Hi atd,


Go message 'HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found' in your link.


Please re-post



Hi Jeck the link re-posted by profile in post 10 is still alive and well.


Hope helps

Happy Holidays!!

Edited by newbie0101
added link fro post 10
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Newbie, ATD did education in post 14. I think Jeck reffers to that. Always better to have latest version.


Touizi, ABCD is for sure part of the method. The method requires you yo understand price action and draw your conclusions. Once you achieve that you are able to predict with high probability and low risk time (when turn around) and price (what target levels to trade) for your trade. Nothing new, but a combination of existing techniques, however with a new element (to my best knowledge): not always it is the high or low that dictates, but the close (you will experience this yourself on your own charts !). Given your background you should benefit from the ideas behind this method. Be flexible and accept the rulings, see yourself on your charts, then make your judgement how/if you adapt your current ABCD approach. This guy has been around a long time. In the early days he shared all he knew. Now he is commercial asking all the time for money for everything. His webinars are very hard to follow if you do not have the background. Hope this helps you out.

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