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[REQ] BookMap


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  Livermore said:
Thank you belaid for your work, but after install bookmap for Ninja, when try to import ninjascript appears the error, (image link below), can someone help to solve this problem? Thanks in advance




@Tomodej : Yes Download bookmap 3.6.6 for NinjaTrader


@Livermore You have already import the ninjascript just select "Bookmap X-Ray" in indicator list and add it in on your chart.

If it don't work go to File ------> Utilities ------>Remove Ninjascript assembly ------> Remove Bookmap.WcfProxy and BookMapIndicator


Watch this video it's very easy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s6KHN6EjSC0

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  Livermore said:
Thank you belaid for your reply, in cqg trader is not the problem, but in bookmap when open charts this only guive me access to 4 contracts emini s&p, gold, nasdaq and DAX



sorry I misunderstood your problem


Go to this page http://www.cqg.com/Support/Customer-Education/Getting-Started/CQGT.aspx


In bookmap just click in "add instrument" write the symbol and press ok


Example :Gold is "GCE"

Russel 2000 is "TFE"

Euro Stoxx is "DSX"

Edited by belaid
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  • 2 weeks later...
  ESVepara said:
Does anyone have their following add-ons;


Imbalance Indicator

IceBerg Detector

Large Lot Tracker


Thank you in advance.


HI ESVepara,


ADD-ONS are enable on the lastest version, so it's impossible for 3.6.6 or 3.8.3


  Traderbeauty said:
Hi belaid.

Your fix is working perfect- ( using version 3.6.6 with ninja ).

Was just wondering if there is a chance we will see the current version ( i believe 3.9.) fixed in the future .

BTW- does 3.8.3 connects to ninja ?

Thanks again.



Hi Traderbeauty,


i can't fix 3.8.3 to ninja and 3.9.2 because bookmap have increased his security. We need people who can fix DLL "TurboActivate"

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  belaid said:
HI ESVepara,

Hi Traderbeauty,


i can't fix 3.8.3 to ninja and 3.9.2 because bookmap have increased his security. We need people who can fix DLL "TurboActivate"


dont worry about it-

the 3.6.6 is working beautifully and does a good job so far.

I will test it tomorrow trading ES and give some feedback- but it looks very good. so thanks again.

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Hi Belaid

Any idea what are the changes between version 3.6.6 to 3.8.3 ?

right now i am running the 366 via my ninja and its working perfectly.

The question is- should i bother to install the 383 and run it either with my ib or create a cqg trader account ? are the updates worth it ?

Thanks a lot.


p.s- USER33 can you please comment about the usage of BM - we all would appreciate some feedback.

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  belaid said:
Hi, new links for Bookmap


3.6.6 Work with NinjaTrader, CQG Trader and Interactive Brokers YOU CAN Record Live Data

Download : https://www.s3ndsp@ce.com/file/mly5kn


3.8.3 Work with CQG Trader, S5, And Interactive Brokers You CAN'T Record Live Data

Download : https://www.s3ndsp@ce.com/file/9pxbbu


Crack : Replace this DLL in this folder C:\Program Files (x86)\BookMap\TurboActivate\win-x86

Download : https://www.s3ndsp@ce.com/file/s33tau




The Crack file is not up anymore. I get :

The file is currently unavailable. Our support staff have been notified and we hope to resolve the problem shortly. Please try again later.

You need it to run it on Ninja right?


Anyone have the cracked part they could upload please ?

Thanks in advance

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  Traderbeauty said:
Hi Belaid

Any idea what are the changes between version 3.6.6 to 3.8.3 ?

right now i am running the 366 via my ninja and its working perfectly.

The question is- should i bother to install the 383 and run it either with my ib or create a cqg trader account ? are the updates worth it ?

Thanks a lot.


p.s- USER33 can you please comment about the usage of BM - we all would appreciate some feedback.


Changes between version 3.6.6 to 3.8.3


- You can changes cirlces size

- You can changes all colors in bookmap

- You can see bid & ask volume in the volume profile


  ghostpipper said:
The Crack file is not up anymore. I get :

The file is currently unavailable. Our support staff have been notified and we hope to resolve the problem shortly. Please try again later.

You need it to run it on Ninja right?


Anyone have the cracked part they could upload please ?

Thanks in advance



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BM is an ingenious idea-

I have been using volume to help me confirm entries at certain levels but its very hard and non conclusive.

right now I am using few charts - renko spectrum 1-1 ; 2-1 and 6 reversal with Market Balance to monitor just while entering whether there are buyers or sellers at the moment of entry.

Many times I got very frustrated seeing a huge amount of buyers while the market is going down etc and me missing a good entry ( short - for example )- and i was wondering- what the h.e.l.l is happening ?

if there are buyers- why doesnt the market go up lol.


True- you can see that on a separate chart or on the ladder but that requires you to be able to watch too much info.

So here we have ONE program, One display ,One window - that is showing us BOTH limit and market at the same time same place - and we see that visually .

I am not sure if you can use BM just for entry generation by itself but more as a monitor for your planned entry.

Wanted to thank again belaid for his generous share and also admis for his deep insight.

Hope that helps a little.

Take care and please continue share info regarding this great product.


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  Traderbeauty said:
BM is an ingenious idea-




So here we have ONE program, One display ,One window - that is showing us BOTH limit and market at the same time same place - and we see that visually .

I am not sure if you can use BM just for entry generation by itself but more as a monitor for your planned entry.




I'm glad, you've enjoyed it. The next, an obvious rule: The Price likes a bigger liquidity and follows in its direction.

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