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[REQ] Educated AmiQuote 3.10

Bill Bundle

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I'm looking for an educated version of AmiQuote 3.10 (http://www.amibroker.com/bin/aq3100.exe) I know that earlier versions have been educated; however, AmiQuote 3.10 has new functions that earlier versions don't have. That is why I'm looking for this to be educated.


Now supports Yahoo, Yahoo Fundamentals, Yahoo Intraday (NEW), Google Finance, Google Intraday (NEW), MSN Money Central and Forex, Quotedl.com (NEW)

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I'm looking for an educated version of AmiQuote 3.10 (http://www.amibroker.com/bin/aq3100.exe) I know that earlier versions have been educated; however, AmiQuote 3.10 has new functions that earlier versions don't have. That is why I'm looking for this to be educated.


Now supports Yahoo, Yahoo Fundamentals, Yahoo Intraday (NEW), Google Finance, Google Intraday (NEW), MSN Money Central and Forex, Quotedl.com (NEW)


I have 3.06, if you want

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1. Added new data source: Quandl.com (US stocks, EOD data) - please do not forget to enter your AuthToken for Quandl.com - it is required if you want to issue more than 50 download requests per day. AuthToken can be obtained from Quandl.com web site.


2. Removed code and settings for Lycos/Quote.com (taken over by eSignal and shut down) - no longer available


3. Code cleanup

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Warning, do not replace hosts file, because in this file exist another rows defined for another programs; if you replace all host file, is possible that another programs do not work fine.

In order that this not happen, open your old hosts file with TextPad, and below of anothers rows, only paste, this lines included for santoshv2k in your link for download: www.amibroker.com amibroker.com www.amibroker.pl amibroker.pl www.amibroker.net amibroker.net updates.connectify.me


Next save the changes.

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  • 2 years later...

Amibroker 6.20.1 -32 bits+ Patch - by rooster1


All links seem dead

Could some good soul repost a working version, just to try it?

Thanks in advance ;)



Hi Minion :)


Go to :




It includes AmiQuote 3.12.0 patched too, normally ( not tested by me )


Enjoy :D

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@Shenong in the last time PLS check before your post. In italian Language is: ultimamente stai facendo cilecca. : - )


Hi Bro :)


I understand, but i really have no more FREE time to test what i post ( even more when the stuff has already been got / tested previously by members ).....I post stuff to help, it is anyway something....


peace :)

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Hi Bro :)


I understand, but i really have no more FREE time to test what i post ( even more when the stuff has already been got / tested previously by members ).....I post stuff to help, it is anyway something....


peace :)


fatto cilecca is not a offensive word : - ) For me AB is always been difficult to understand

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  • 1 month later...

Amiquote 3.27 Cracked


Go to :








[h=2]Amiquote 3.27 Cracked[/h]

Hi Bros,


Well, even a NOT_A_CRACKER guy can get stuff.....Happily.


Here is
Amiquote 3.27


Thnx to Mr Rose ( i didn't hear about him before today ) :



D/L link :



*************** INFOS ********************


After installation plz delete plugin directory in your amibroker installed folder ty .


If ami won't start, just delete plugin folder and it will work perfect



AmiQuote is a companion program to AmiBroker stock charting/analysis software.


The main purpose of AmiQuote is to simplify and automate downloading financial data from the following free, public web sites::



was kind enough to provide patch.


I made proper version that took care of Licence Error in AmiBroker.


Edited by Shenong
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