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FBS - FBS.com

Hoang Long

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FBS still give $5 for new clients.

Please carefully read all the 5$ Welcome Bonus promotion details here: http://www.fbs.com/promotion/welcome_bonus

To receive 5$ Welcome Bonus, please do the following:

  1. Open a Micro account. Ensure that you confirmed your mobile number during registration
  2. Verify your account by uploading the scanned copies of your documents proving your name and address you filled in during registration
  3. Follow “Get 5$ Bonus” link in your Personal Area: https://my.fbs.com/bonus/welcome

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FBS still give $5 for new clients.

Please carefully read all the 5$ Welcome Bonus promotion details here: http://www.fbs.com/p...n/welcome_bonus

To receive 5$ Welcome Bonus, please do the following:

  1. Open a Micro account. Ensure that you confirmed your mobile number during registration
  2. Verify your account by uploading the scanned copies of your documents proving your name and address you filled in during registration
  3. Follow “Get 5$ Bonus” link in your Personal Area: https://my.fbs.com/bonus/welcome

Thanks for remind, bro. I still have account in FBS, so I can trading with it, I think it's better to me to not request welcome bonus.

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I think with breakeven trading promo, FBS has give us more. About 25% deposit bonus, it was not too helpfull since the additional balance (25%) is only for open margin, not for floating margin.

but maybe we can choose one of this promotion to take, I think the importance is different for all traders,,, maybe that is trader who more needed 25% bonus deposit from FBS, if we never been feel a great loss ^^ so it means he/she will never get the fund from breakineven promotion

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FBS still give $5 for new clients.

Please carefully read all the 5$ Welcome Bonus promotion details here: http://www.fbs.com/p...n/welcome_bonus

To receive 5$ Welcome Bonus, please do the following:

  1. Open a Micro account. Ensure that you confirmed your mobile number during registration
  2. Verify your account by uploading the scanned copies of your documents proving your name and address you filled in during registration
  3. Follow “Get 5$ Bonus” link in your Personal Area: https://my.fbs.com/bonus/welcome

It really nice for new members so without deposit he/she can directly request the 5 dollar bonus to trading and feel all of the advantages that FBS give for trading ^^

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how about if FBS Holdings Inc chance the prize become $50 ?

do you agree sir

Someone ho has win this contest ever change his T-Shirt to trading Account, and He got $30 to his trading account, so if the prize will change to trading account, maybe the prize will be $30.

hmm so better like that,,, so I think FBS should not held it just for Russian traders only ^^

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I think with breakeven trading promo, FBS has give us more. About 25% deposit bonus, it was not too helpfull since the additional balance (25%) is only for open margin, not for floating margin.

but you have to remember about VOLUME in FBS breakeven trading

right, we can't instantly get the funds back if we get MC from ths FBS breakineven promotion...

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Forecast contest (USDCAD)

Take part in a forecast contest.

The idea of the contest is pretty simple: guess the price of USDCAD on Friday, February 10th (right after the closing of trading).

Your answers are accepted from 19.01.12 to 03.02.12.

  • The winner will get 150 USD to his/her trading account from FBS. The funds can be used for trading or withdrawn.
  • All the registered members of forumfortrader are allowed to take part.
  • Each participant have the right to post his/her guess UNLIMITED NUMBER OF TIMES, but only the last contestant’s guess will be taken into account.
  • Your guesses are taken within 4 digits after the decimal point. For example: 1,2833 or 1,4458. The correct answer will determined from BID price (bid price is shown on the chart in the trading platform).
  • If the is no absolutely correct answer, the winner will be announce a contestant with THE CLOSEST GUSESS to correct answer. If there are few contestants with the same answer, the winner will be announced a contestant with the earliest answer.
  • Contest results will be published on the 13rd of January.
  • Post your guesses in Forecast contest (USDCAD) - ForumForTrader.

Good luck!

dont missed it about this opportunity

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Forecast contest (USDCAD)

Take part in a forecast contest.

The idea of the contest is pretty simple: guess the price of USDCAD on Friday, February 10th (right after the closing of trading).

Your answers are accepted from 19.01.12 to 03.02.12.

  • The winner will get 150 USD to his/her trading account from FBS. The funds can be used for trading or withdrawn.
  • All the registered members of forumfortrader are allowed to take part.
  • Each participant have the right to post his/her guess UNLIMITED NUMBER OF TIMES, but only the last contestant’s guess will be taken into account.
  • Your guesses are taken within 4 digits after the decimal point. For example: 1,2833 or 1,4458. The correct answer will determined from BID price (bid price is shown on the chart in the trading platform).
  • If the is no absolutely correct answer, the winner will be announce a contestant with THE CLOSEST GUSESS to correct answer. If there are few contestants with the same answer, the winner will be announced a contestant with the earliest answer.
  • Contest results will be published on the 13rd of January.
  • Post your guesses in Forecast contest (USDCAD) - ForumForTrader.

Good luck!

dont missed it about this opportunity

nice,,, a good opportunity to us to get some funds from FBS ^^ hopefully this time I can win this contest,,, let's post our prediction ^^

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I will keep an eye on this forex brokerage and add it to my list after an undetermined period of observance . Thanks for bringing this to the attention of the members here.

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I will keep an eye on this forex brokerage and add it to my list after an undetermined period of observance . Thanks for bringing this to the attention of the members here.

You are very welcome to observance :)

I am using FBS as my forex brokerage because of it's server and good service from fbs support.

yeah,,, same with me, I use FBS because of it's server and good service from fbs support,,, and because that FBS always held an attractive contest for the traders =D

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Ready to fight on FBS Demo Contest tomorrow ? don't forget to use money management, so you can survive until the end.

come on,,, let's fight in this FBS demo contest,,, control your emotion don't use full lot in the earlier time for this contest =D be serious to this contest don't just gamble,,, because I'm believe we all can get a lot of experience from this FBS demo contest if we serious in this contest =D

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come on,,, let's fight in this FBS demo contest,,, control your emotion don't use full lot in the earlier time for this contest =D be serious to this contest don't just gamble,,, because I'm believe we all can get a lot of experience from this FBS demo contest if we serious in this contest =D

let's be the best on this FBS demo contest ^^ this contest is really interesting to participate, because we can compete with others traders all over the world,,,

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have you all post your answer on FFT forum for participate on the Forecast FBS contest??? hurry up to post your answer before the time is reach end =D

I think in this FBS contest luck is very important thing for us if we want to win this contest,,, because I think no one exactly can predict that so accuratelly ><

Edited by debook
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have you all post your answer on FFT forum for participate on the Forecast FBS contest??? hurry up to post your answer before the time is reach end =D

I think in this FBS contest luck is very important thing for us if we want to win this contest,,, because I think no one exactly can predict that so accuratelly ><

Who knoews about that? :)

The lucky one could be predict exactly the number :D

Edited by Gaban
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let's be the best on this FBS demo contest ^^ this contest is really interesting to participate, because we can compete with others traders all over the world,,,

nice so believe in yourself, and never pesimistic to win this FBS demo contest because everyone have the same chance to win this contest,,, =D

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nice so believe in yourself, and never pesimistic to win this FBS demo contest because everyone have the same chance to win this contest,,, =D

That's right, bro. We have the same chance to be the winner, now we just doesn't need our best strategy but also the fortune, because FBS demo contest is the most exciting demo contest with a lot of participant. So keep spirit and just do the best.

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