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The box


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  Trading1903 said:
For some reason After I compile it I still don't see it under strategies. Please advice. Thanks for your contribution !


It is not a strategy and it's the reason you cannot see it. PPTBoxSLsig has only a small improvement to use it in a strategy.


Try to use a strategy builder or use that one: http://indo-investasi.com/showthread.php/24211-The-box?p=324225&viewfull=1#post324225

As soon as I find some time I'll prepare something for making the tests.

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  admis said:
As I promised, link below with the changed source of PPTBoxSL.

Box_signal is exposed to use in a strategy.





I've changed the name of the original indicator to PPTBoxSLsig to omit any confusion in the future.

Very simple example how to use it in a strategy:


if (Position.MarketPosition == MarketPosition.Flat)


if (PPTBoxSLsig().Box_Signal[0] == 1)


EnterLong(DefaultQuantity, "");



if (PPTBoxSLsig().Box_Signal[0] == -1)


EnterShort(DefaultQuantity, "");







Thank you so much Admis, very well!!

How I can set the target and stop?? (ie target 5 tick and stop 3 tick)

let me know



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I'm very pleased to see some of you have taken the initiative to automated the box. I hope you find as much value in it as I have. That was my sole purpose in starting this thread. Learning how best to trade this is a time consuming effort, so don't give up too quickly if you don't get instant gratification.


Good luck to all of you.

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  Wanderer said:


We know you are a father with great responsibilities. You have done for this group more than most. There will always be ingrates who think the world owes them something. They comprise the 90%+ of failures. I am confident that I speak for many here when I say that we are very grateful for all of the valuable time you have taken to share your success with us. Please continue to do so as time allows.


May you and yours be blessed.





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  hindustani said:
Can u plz share your test results? What bar type/period etc did you test on?




I used it on the FDAX. 8 Tick Range - No Gap Bars. That's all. It is what I use in my trading. It simplifies Stops and Targets and keeps me in the big trades. A lot more testing needs to be done though. But I think this has potential. Personally, I don't have an interest in Auto Traders. But this is looking interesting. Something to do when I am waiting for a trade.



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  westvleteren said:
Hi Driver,

Thanks for your testresults. Which renkohybrid setting do you se for the chart? Is this a true playback using market replay? Or a report generated by rightclicking the mouse on chart? In the last case, please be aware that the "fills" are very different from market playback due to the nature of the RenkoHybrid bars.


generated by rightclicking the mouse on chart



yes i know the renko give us a different fills


thnk you

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  westvleteren said:
I added to the Box strategy:

- time frame for trading (in my case 08:00 - 20:00)

- Action to exit trade at 21:30 (my time) to ensure no issues with broker/going overnight

- Change to the trailing value. I changed the ATR value from 2,618 to 3

Feel free to change/edit/delete the above as you like.

PS: I am NO strategy wizard guru. I just try to help. Once we see the potential of the Box automation, then we shoud be doing testing with data from e.g. one year ago as well. If there is still potential, then we should take the next step.


Here it is: http://hidemyass.com/files/s2LOg/


thk you , you are a man

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