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Hi guys

Can anyone share this strategy? I downloaded the demo version (it runs 2 weeks) and tried to set up forex charts ispolzuuya connection through hacked ninja trader but can `t set up a list of forex symbols, can anyone help?


here itself installer





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Hi guys

Can anyone share this strategy? I downloaded the demo version (it runs 2 weeks) and tried to set up forex charts ispolzuuya connection through hacked ninja trader but can `t set up a list of forex symbols, can anyone help?



Hi snaiper-x1,


As you can read on their web pages this tool is not designed to work with forex data because of lack of real volume information. Alternatively you can analyze currency futures like 6E, 6A, 6B and so on.

Advanced analytical tools for USA futures market


I suppose it is easier for you to read their original webpages in russian language. It is the same software: AMT=ATAS



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NinjaTrader should take a guidance from them how to develop efficient software.

I have a great respect for Russian programmers. They are really good! :-bd


What I remember CQG is made by them.


Take a look at the following few other examples of Russian products:





P.S. I'm not a Russian. ;) This is just a sign of my respect for them as a truly professional programmers.

Edited by admis
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