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First of all thank to admis for all your efforts here.

I think that admis idea of sharing our trading experience can help us to improve our trading ability and open mind to other point of views.

It is true all about discipline, observation and so on, but I think that we can learn something sharing some point of our trading experience here.

So I want to share my idea of trading CL, nothing to teach, only some observation.

I use Gomi package (Volume ladder, GomCD, Gom delta volume)

DBdeltaSpeedDiff, DBvwap

Optional: PriceActionswing, jigsaw.

No fixed rule, only a good-sense way to observe:

1- I want to see CD on a level OR CD not aggressive on a retracement;

2- I want to see price on a buy zone (sell zone for short);

3- I want to see a price action pattern;

4- I like to see DeltaSpeedDiff confirm my view.


* I trace buy zone and sell zone by watching volume ladder chart, but you can do the same by watching a 10 tick chart with DBDeltaSpeedDiff.

* When I'm working on a balanced distribution I seek trap-patterns (counter-trend)

* When the distribution is unbalanced I seek continuation patterns (in-trend)

* I work only in the European morning time when CL is not so volatile

* Usual target 8-12 ticks, usual stops 6-8 ticks

* 600 is important level for CD, usual CD>600 or CD< (-600) means unbalanced market (but not always, you must observe, for example on rollover days this number changes) whilst -600<CD<600 means balanced market.

* Vwap is important level for price


Here 2 example of balanced-setup and imbalanced-setup:

http://i.imgur.com/VDo23qn.jpg -----> unbalanced

http://i.imgur.com/RHwlhFf.jpg -----> balanced

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Guest gavetso

the probolme is the close relation in money and human satisfaction

also the relation in money and you own life

i think the dicipline methods are based in reward and punishmenrt and the prblme with trading is very dificul see fast the reward or punishnment with virtual money only hurts when all is really bad

i think the prblme with trading is nobody knows this is a mecanical process but have manipulation is as if youare a good air pilot and some day the weather is againts you tellme

how a pilot know this day the a terrible storm is coming to him he has the traning and prectice to answer the mergency the sam 4ein trading if youare not answering in time the signklas and rules youare a BAD PILOT AND THE PEPOPLE WILLDIE IN YOUR HABDS is the same.


finally if you trading to get alittle extra income is diferent if you put all your eggs to living making this work

this profesionj is defintly very hard to dominate is actuall under 10 most dificult activities of the world. (Risk presure knowelge money ....

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  • 1 month later...
That´s all to complicate:

if the Wish -to fill all your Dreams with your earned Money- is big enough, then you will be disciplined. The Problem: we forget thos Dreams. Therefore we don´t stick to the Rules, we trade what we think, not what we see,... a.s.o.


We forget the dreams too often I think because the dreams are small and petty - self centered. If we have goals (dreams) that are greater than our own self interest then forces, not well understood, but none the less powerful, work in our favor.


Money is a means to an end, not an end in itself. The end is the goal that the money makes possible. Make it a goal greater than yourself.


Good fortune to all in their noble goals.



Edited by Wanderer
After thought.
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