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Free Bonus €100 From Varengold [Tradimo]


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I want to share information to get a bonus of Broker Varengold:

The following step by step its :


Register - Contents Quiz [up Complete] - Open Account - enter no. acct

€ 100 landing into account a maximum of 48 hours, it appreciably from the demo: p

Bonus for WD requirements, you must complete 8 lots.


This promo will end on September,30 2013


Please register [for fun]:



Attached bonus that goes into my account.



We have to finish as much as 6 stages quizz.



Please review the broker: http://www.varengoldbankfx.com


This my acct : http://www.myfxbook.com/members/Razie/vg-rz/676346

may be useful


Best Regards,

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This people Razie are scammer, with their scammer site!


up to you, man. Can you appreciate the intentions of others to share?

are we going to lose? I am just sharing my experience, after registering their profiles on them provide no deposit bonus, with provisions.

if true scam, do I lose? instead it can hone my trading performance.



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Yes let's go everybody on this Scam site, like sheep!!!!!


up to you, man. Can you appreciate the intentions of others to share?

are we going to lose? I am just sharing my experience, after registering their profiles on them provide no deposit bonus, with provisions.

if true scam, do I lose? instead it can hone my trading performance.



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