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broker for smartphone?

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Hi, I want to start trading but dont know which broker website to choose. Could you help me? I want a site that allows me to trade even by smartphone. For example I have seen sites like 4xp.com ensure such a solution and talking with Mrs. Sara ferrari also told me that it is very easy to use. What do you suggest?
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Hi, I want to start trading but dont know which broker website to choose. Could you help me? I want a site that allows me to trade even by smartphone. For example I have seen sites like 4xp.com ensure such a solution and talking with Mrs. Sara ferrari also told me that it is very easy to use. What do you suggest?


Most brokers will offer you the ability to trade using smart phones. You can go to www . forexchurch . com/compare-forex-brokers.cfm (get rid of the spaces in the link - only way I could post it ! :) .


When you are on the site, click on "+ Advanced Search Options" , then click on the "Trading Platforms" drop down menu and select the platform that you want ...eg MT4 Android - there are many.


If you are looking for a new broker, I would recommend the ASIC (Australia) regulated brokers - ICMarkets is a very good one in my experience.

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In general, most traders prefer trading on monitor with larger screen and easier usage. But trader is often busy so I Think they sometimes need a mobile platform.


I do agree.Trading with your Pc or laptop is still more convenient because of more features like what you have said.But if a trader is always on the go,he can monitor and check for his trades using this mobile platform.I also use a mobile trading platform with GDMFX as now I can check my trades wherever I am.

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  • 3 months later...
There is always great thing to have mobile setup for trading, but my recent experience on cTrader platform on my smartphone is just incredible, it is an electrifying platform where we get so many benefits whether with advance charting system, knowing which session we trade on and lots more, so in short this is one of the finest platform for mobile traders and this is provided by OctaFX broker where i am currently trading with, so that helps me so much more.
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Freshforex now offers advanced web platform MetaTrader4! It enables simple and safe trading from any browser on any operating system. In just a few clicks you can get an access to the account in the platform MetaTrader4 without downloading and installong additional software. All that you need - access to the Internet.


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