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Big Mike Indicators Ultimate Request/Response Thread


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Hi all,


honestly I think Big Mike's Elite member area is a good and worth paying for resource. I'm not discussing his rights to charge money for that (we have another thread for this, you know) so please no flaming. But the truth of life is that most of us need just few indis or webinars and are not ready to pay $100 he is charging nowadays. So I would like to start this thread exclusively for Elite area stuff requests and responses (if you need something then someone already has it and would probably be glad to share). Several points here:

1. Please specify full name of an indicator as it appears in the Elite area webpage.

2. Please no more than 3 items per request/person, otherwise the thread will get buried to death.

3. Just specify items you need, no discussions/thanks/etc, keep the thread clean and easy to browse. Thanks button is welcome of course.

(4.) Please upload stuff to https://anonfiles.com, BMT stuff lives there well.

(5.) It makes sense to change file dates slightly before upload so that Mike could not trace the origins.


Edited by vaivanov
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Hello my friends, I ask you to download for me here this indicator from the forum


page indicator to the [spoiler=volumestopv3-now-v4]


and here in this post and image documents, post number 19

[spoiler= and image documents]


I was once an elite access to the forum t-shirt, but I argued with him about some of the developments and putting them in the cured form for which he received a permanent ban.. @-) ... :))

Edited by snaiper-x1
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I notice he's facing another lawsuit from AMP futures ;))


BM is such a douche and hypocrite. He claims he's going to defend the right of his members to post freely, yet he boots members who openly criticize him. Yours truly is one of those victims.


I hope AMP wins its case forcing him into bankruptcy. Has he moved to Central America with his mommy and mutt yet? That was probably an idea to escape lawsuits.

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BM is such a douche and hypocrite. He claims he's going to defend the right of his members to post freely, yet he boots members who openly criticize him. Yours truly is one of those victims.


I hope AMP wins its case forcing him into bankruptcy. Has he moved to Central America with his mommy and mutt yet? That was probably an idea to escape lawsuits.


He is living in a fantasy world, thinking he can boot anyone he wants without cause. I didn't criticize him, he didn't like my posting positive comments about AMP and just booted me out without any reason, and for that, he finally gets his well deserved punishment: getting sued by AMP!


I like to think it as the Law of Karma!


AMP knows how to **** him: he has no money! AMP just had a windfall of money coming from absorbing many Mirus clients (I was one of them), AMP can spare a pocket change just to make this low-life's life even more miserable!


AMP doesn't want to get anything from him, or is afraid of the negative posts in his forum, AMP just wants to hurt him for their own enjoyment!


Well done AMP! You just made my day!

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I hope AMP wins its case forcing him into bankruptcy. Has he moved to Central America with his mommy and mutt yet? That was probably an idea to escape lawsuits.


Yes he's on the verge of moving to Ecuador to escape all pending lawsuits. He might want to take Guruji Bala with him too. Heh ;))

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BM is such a douche and hypocrite. He claims he's going to defend the right of his members to post freely, yet he boots members who openly criticize him. Yours truly is one of those victims.


I hope AMP wins its case forcing him into bankruptcy. Has he moved to Central America with his mommy and mutt yet? That was probably an idea to escape lawsuits.


agree with you friend ;))

Edited by snaiper-x1
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@ Yamantaka. See here the AMP complaint. http://www.Zendspace.com/file/1jp92b



By the looks of this complaint, Michael Boulter is going to spend a lot more than $50K to defend himself against AMP and hire an attorney licensed in Illinois. Unfortunately Mr. Boulter doesn't have a pot to piss in or a window to throw it out. Perhaps he should ask his mommy to help chip in or use some of that condo down payment money.


Michael Boulter, a futures trading loser (whose his wife dumped him when he blew out the family funds) only has his dog and mommy to get comfort from during these trying times. He's got a pair of little balls begging his members (who paid him to become "Elite") for money to pay his legal expenses, while willfully participating with this scammaster extortionist, James Stone, in an interference tort scheme against AMP.


Maybe in discovery, we'll learn Stone was going to kickback some of this extortion money to Michael Boulter for allowing him to use BMT. Stay tuned.

Edited by yamantaka
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Well, i feel a bit sorry. Us legal system is unfairer than even EU´s. No moral highground there. Better to be sued in russia or china.

True, but in those autocracies, the party who pays the government the most money wins the case. Not unlike USA where the party who pays the most for legal advice wins.


Let's hope Mr. Boulter gets what rightfully he deserves-- a guilty verdict and BigAss fine.

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