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Big Mike Trading Ninja indicators


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"Besides free membership, the Website also offers Elite Membership at a one-time non-refundable fee of (USD) $100 for lifetime access. Elite Membership enables the members to access certain privileged and reserved sections of the Website, which provide better services and features."


As you can read, BMT has raised the cost of Elite membership from $50 to $100. As most of us in the trading community know, Mike is a burnt out, perennial losing trader who started the site to hoodwink other traders into becoming Elite members so he could essentially charge $50 to allow them to download indicators that were developed by other people. He pirated many of those indicators from developers without their express permission. It's constructive to know, Mike lost so much money trading, that his wife divorced him (he admits this on the site) and he had to marry his dog who is his avatar on the site. He created the site because he was broke and desperately needed income.


Mike must have a very small wenis. Why? Because he gets a real thrill from revoking memberships from anyone who even vaguely questions his wisdom, advice, or trading prowess. On BMT, he is the Wizard of Oz--the small man behind the curtain who wields power over a community of other losing traders. He is said to never get any sleep nor take any time off from the Forum, reading every single post and stroking his faithful (many who spend their lives posting ad nauseum) with a "Thank you" on their posts. In essence, he is a modern day L. Ron Hubbard and Jim Jones rolled into one.


Anyway, I digress. Elite membership doesn't provide anything "better" than the rest of the site. The Elite indicators are not worth $1, let alone $100, because he got them for FREE from donating members and others who developed them. So, I think it's only fair in the spirit of sharing to the community to give back what Mike has pinched from others. And, as far as the other threads in Elite (Journals, vendor reviews, psychology tips, webinars by vendors who pay Mike) they are worthless in terms of getting a real Edge because they are all opinions, setups and experiences of losing traders who seek winning methods from other losing traders and vendors who were also losing traders.


A member who realized he was ripped off by Mike, has decided to make many of these indicators available to the community for the very same price Mike paid; namely $000.00. This member has bestowed the collection of indicators to me and carried out his wishes to share with the trading community. After all, this is Mike's mantra, clearly stated on the site: "We firmly believe in openness and encourage sharing."


So share we will. In the next few days, I will attempt to make these indicators available for everyone in the spirit of Mike's philosophy.

Edited by yamantaka
typo fixed
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  kram said:
I totally disagree with you, yamantaka.

In my opinion, as a BMT Elite member, it's worth being a BMT Elite member and posting those indicators here is just not right.


A wee bit hypocritical

Just my 1cent >:)

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Kram, isn't it a bit contradictory to say it's not ok to share stuff from BMT and, at the same time, download and share educated stuff from other sites? Is it just because you are a paid member?




  kram said:
I totally disagree with you, yamantaka.

In my opinion, as a BMT Elite member, it's worth being a BMT Elite member and posting those indicators here is just not right.

Edited by shicuco
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Nothing to do in the markets right now after the selloff this morning so here are my 2 cents. I think Yamantaka is right about BigMike but not about the community and if you are sharing the stuff you are shooting them in the back and not BigMike. I became an EliteMember a long time ago mostly because of the GomStuff and the explanations of it and I don't regret it. Like on Indo most people there are losing money and that's fine with me somebody must sell the low volume breakout counter trend because of some weird signal that some indicator gave them otherwise I would maybe not get a fill :) I had no idea that he raised the prize by another 50 bucks so I guess trading is not going well for him which is no surprise if you look at his ridiculous posts. So all in all please go ahead if it makes you happy and if you feel like you are getting back on him for whatever he did to you but why do you care about that nobody from Texas? Make winning trades and imagine it's his money ;)
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  peterfischer said:
Nothing to do in the markets right now after the selloff this morning so here are my 2 cents. I think Yamantaka is right about BigMike but not about the community and if you are sharing the stuff you are shooting them in the back and not BigMike. I became an EliteMember a long time ago mostly because of the GomStuff and the explanations of it and I don't regret it. Like on Indo most people there are losing money and that's fine with me somebody must sell the low volume breakout counter trend because of some weird signal that some indicator gave them otherwise I would maybe not get a fill :) I had no idea that he raised the prize by another 50 bucks so I guess trading is not going well for him which is no surprise if you look at his ridiculous posts. So all in all please go ahead if it makes you happy and if you feel like you are getting back on him for whatever he did to you but why do you care about that nobody from Texas? Make winning trades and imagine it's his money ;)


I don't think this will have any negative effect on anyone from BMT. Neither the members or the Scam artist who runs it. Mike has already got the most of the low hanging fish (newbees) and his $100 price tag will be a deterent to collecting new victims.


The bigger picture is this effort will help the trading community at large. Now people can get the indicators for free and be an unpaid member if they care to get involved in the low level chats.

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I found that, being an Elite member of BMT, I could post my indicators that I spend many hours developing and get constructive feedback on them from like-minded members.

Seeing them shared on forums such as this is very disheartening. It shows no respect for hard-working developers like me.

Yatamanka, can you please tell me your BMT username?

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I understand why you are so upset , so why don't you email the moderator, asking him to interfere and put BMT indicators on the black list why do you need to ask for his name its kind of a covert threat.thanks for developing the indicators, I am member of BMT too.
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  kram said:
I found that, being an Elite member of BMT, I could post my indicators that I spend many hours developing and get constructive feedback on them from like-minded members.

Seeing them shared on forums such as this is very disheartening. It shows no respect for hard-working developers like me.

Yatamanka, can you please tell me your BMT username?


like-minded members? why then you join this community when we are not like-minded as you?

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Kram, I can proudly say, I'm not a member of BMT, paid or otherwise.


If you tell me which indicators are yours, perhaps I won't post them as a courtesy to you, but I think you're better of allowing other like minded members here give you constructive criticism to use your words.


I find your hypocrisy pathetically sad given you are an educator and prolific contributor to this Forum. How do you think the developers of indicators they commercially sold feel when they see you unlocked their code and post it in the forum? My advice to you is to STFU. As they say in the legal profession, you have dirty hands.

Edited by yamantaka
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  poly said:
I understand why you are so upset , so why don't you email the moderator, asking him to interfere and put BMT indicators on the black list why do you need to ask for his name its kind of a covert threat.thanks for developing the indicators, I am member of BMT too.


Poly, don't you like this forum better than BMT? Here, you can get indicators for free that you otherwise have to pay for and I mean pay a lot more than the $50 Big Mike shakes you down for Elite membership.


And I'm sure you aware that a great majority of the Elite BMT indicators were pirated from other developers and then underwent some minor cosmetic changes with a new identity.

Edited by yamantaka
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