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[Req] DDEPlayback.exe from TSSupport


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Hi FX_SuperTrader,


Thank you for your reply, but I think DDEPayback.exe is a free tiny standalone DDE Server.


I just wonder if I can make it as a "general purpose" DDE Server for other trading platforms.





I can´t download DDEPlayback.exe from: http://tssupport.com/products/multicharts/ddePlayback.exe


Do you have this program?


I could see that DDEPlayback is incorporated in Multicharts 8.0, simply in Quotemanager import ASCII data (tick or minute) and reproduce from any date. Another version is for Owndata, same program that Quotemanager, but for Tradestation.


Do you know where I can download this program for Owndata (work with Tradestation)??


Finally, DDEPlayback is a DDE simulator that work with historical data, now incorporated into new versions of Multicharts, but would be interesting to have the Owndata version.

I don´t know if is possible that DDEPlayback work with others programs.

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