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how can i develop my skill?

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To build up your skills you need to trade for one or more years. It's all about your experience which comes only with time. Don't rush, do everything gradually and use right broker to avoid distortion of your results. (broker greatly affects on your trading so choose it carefully)


That was definitely a nice opinion.


goes global


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Guest sherealikhan
There are many way to develop your skill. First time you need to know basic knowledge it can achieve from various trading platform like forex-metal broker and then start demo account and practice more and more when you get it that you can real trade then open a real account. Within this time you need to follow the market and check it that how market become up down and then you follow which signal... Just demo account can develop your skill well.......
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There are many way to develop your skill. First time you need to know basic knowledge it can achieve from various trading platform like forex-metal broker and then start demo account and practice more and more when you get it that you can real trade then open a real account. Within this time you need to follow the market and check it that how market become up down and then you follow which signal... Just demo account can develop your skill well.......


That was a good tip on how to develop skill.


goes global


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There are many way to develop your skill. First time you need to know basic knowledge it can achieve from various trading platform like forex-metal broker and then start demo account and practice more and more when you get it that you can real trade then open a real account. Within this time you need to follow the market and check it that how market become up down and then you follow which signal... Just demo account can develop your skill well.......


nice share.... thanks!

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There are many way to develop your skill. First time you need to know basic knowledge it can achieve from various trading platform like forex-metal broker and then start demo account and practice more and more when you get it that you can real trade then open a real account. Within this time you need to follow the market and check it that how market become up down and then you follow which signal... Just demo account can develop your skill well.......


Thankg you for sharing the tips that was a good post that a newbie should absorb.


goes global


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  • 4 weeks later...
Well skill is needed for good trading experience. For gathering good skill you need practice more a lot in demo account. And also continue reading article from different source via internet. When you realize that you good for trade the you can start real trade with good skills.


participate in demo account contest..and win real money..that's all..:)

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One of the most important factors to hone if one wants to succeed in trading foreign currency is the good trading skills. One of the things to develop a good trading skills is by opening and trying a demo account. Second is by reading various posts and articles about Forex trading and Forex strategies.
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we can use the demo contest to improve trading skills, so even better. By utilize the contest demo then we can get a lot of trading experience. With experience, we can get a very valuable lesson. By doing so, we will increase trading skills.


I do agree that by experience we develop more skills.And our experience must come from a live trading.Though Demo is a useful tool to enhance our skills,in a live trading,we will get to develop a skill how to make a good risk management plan,device a good strategy and to combat/control our emotions.In a demo,we can't really deal with emotions because we know in our mind that we are not using real money so we don't really feel real emotions.

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Guest sherealikhan
if we want to a successful trader, we have to improve our trading skill and by practicing more in demo account is good step to make our trading skill be better and better, and don't forget to take part in demo contest too.
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