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Best company to code an EA for you??


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Hi Guys, i am looking for a company that codes systems in mq4 as I have a full system in multicharts, but need it in mq4 for automation purposes.


Can anyone suggest a good company or 2 as I have tried fellow traders, but all of them have left me in the lurch down the line, so looking for someone I can count on and who can do it fast.


Willing to pay $350 seeing it all coded in easylanguage and it straight forward strategy no deep math and carp, and it works.


It's an index futures strategy profitable on a 15 yr back test and several out of sample tests.


Thanx for the help guys and girls!!=D>

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  • 2 weeks later...

Dear Sir/Mdm,

i'm a professional programmer for metatrader platform

i can code almost any rule-based algorithm imaginable,

except neural net based algorithm ( not just yet )

if that is relevant to your requirement

you may email me at luxeave(ad)yahoo.com

for further discussion

you can also visit my website at luxeave(dot)com

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  • 2 months later...

Shaun is technically good. But he assigns your project to some i-d-i-o-t who no matter how you explain cannot not understand you. Shaun makes you sign a Scope of Work (SOW) based on your description of the project but with HIS interpretations. If a concept is obviously part of the work but not included in SOW, it will not be coded. Once you signed the SOW, it is etched on stone. If you disagree what he delivered because of difference in interpretations, you are screwed or have it corrected with more money.


Stay away.



shaun of onestepremoved.com
Edited by swordfish
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