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(REQ) Best Forex Strategy

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The Best Forex Strategy?? Even though this has been mentioned many times in this forum but I still want to stress that what is considered as the Best Forex Strategy for the creator might not be the best strategy that suits us. Just imagine if the strategy ask us to risk more than 2% per trade,open new positions when market move against us and have to experience high DD that almost turn our MT4 into red before making profits, can you handle the pressure? Perhaps for the creator, he can stand the kind of pressure and for you and me, we would be just like jumping on a hot pan..:)


The best forex strategy is still the one that suits to our personality. We have to feel comfortable with the entry, MM, RM and exit. How can we know that we are comfortable with them? Only through study and stick to the strategy for sometime (Even encounter series of losses) as sooner, we will discover how to fine tune the strategy to our comfort level.


There is no short cut if you really want to make consistent profit in Forex Business...You really need to know, trust and comfortable with your strategy:)

Edited by apple1937
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