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ea coder pm me i have one good ea need some edit

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ea coder pm me i have one good ea need some edit

please edit and pm is its allreay profitable ea but i need some more edit to make it more profitable

all details are below plz edit and pm me so that we trader can make more profit




sometime i do not understand why people very fast judge the ea is good

Edited by ruparaw11
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on the base of this line


double aLots[]={1,3,6,12,24,48,96,192,384,768};


this ea is the death of the account. Do you realized that for 0.01 lot at the beginning (2/1/2011) you are at 30.72 lots (!) the next day ????


1 2011.01.02 23:00 sell 1 0.01 1.33443 1.33609 1.33414 0.00 10000.00

2 2011.01.02 23:00 buy stop 2 0.03 1.33508 1.33378 1.33573 0.00 10000.00

3 2011.01.02 23:04 t/p 1 0.01 1.33414 1.33609 1.33414 0.29 10000.29

4 2011.01.02 23:04 delete 2 0.03 1.33508 1.33378 1.33573 0.00 10000.29

5 2011.01.02 23:04 sell 3 0.01 1.33377 1.33543 1.33348 0.00 10000.29

6 2011.01.02 23:04 buy stop 4 0.03 1.33442 1.33312 1.33507 0.00 10000.29

7 2011.01.02 23:08 buy 4 0.03 1.33442 1.33312 1.33507 0.00 10000.29

8 2011.01.02 23:08 sell stop 5 0.06 1.33377 1.33543 1.33348 0.00 10000.29

9 2011.01.02 23:24 sell 5 0.06 1.33377 1.33543 1.33348 0.00 10000.29

10 2011.01.02 23:24 buy stop 6 0.12 1.33442 1.33312 1.33507 0.00 10000.29

11 2011.01.02 23:31 buy 6 0.12 1.33442 1.33312 1.33507 0.00 10000.29

12 2011.01.02 23:31 sell stop 7 0.24 1.33377 1.33543 1.33348 0.00 10000.29

13 2011.01.02 23:40 s/l 3 0.01 1.33543 1.33543 1.33348 -1.66 9998.63

14 2011.01.02 23:40 t/p 4 0.03 1.33507 1.33312 1.33507 1.95 10000.58

15 2011.01.02 23:40 s/l 5 0.06 1.33543 1.33543 1.33348 -9.96 9990.62

16 2011.01.02 23:40 t/p 6 0.12 1.33507 1.33312 1.33507 7.80 9998.42

17 2011.01.02 23:40 delete 7 0.24 1.33377 1.33543 1.33348 0.00 9998.42

18 2011.01.02 23:40 buy 8 0.01 1.33552 1.33422 1.33617 0.00 9998.42

19 2011.01.02 23:40 sell stop 9 0.03 1.33487 1.33653 1.33458 0.00 9998.42

20 2011.01.03 00:03 sell 9 0.03 1.33487 1.33653 1.33458 0.00 9998.42

21 2011.01.03 00:03 buy stop 10 0.06 1.33552 1.33422 1.33617 0.00 9998.42

22 2011.01.03 00:07 s/l 8 0.01 1.33422 1.33422 1.33617 -1.30 9997.12

23 2011.01.03 00:07 t/p 9 0.03 1.33458 1.33653 1.33458 0.87 9997.99

24 2011.01.03 00:07 delete 10 0.06 1.33552 1.33422 1.33617 0.00 9997.99

25 2011.01.03 00:07 sell 11 0.01 1.33415 1.33581 1.33386 0.00 9997.99

26 2011.01.03 00:07 buy stop 12 0.03 1.33480 1.33350 1.33545 0.00 9997.99

27 2011.01.03 00:09 buy 12 0.03 1.33480 1.33350 1.33545 0.00 9997.99

28 2011.01.03 00:09 sell stop 13 0.06 1.33415 1.33581 1.33386 0.00 9997.99

29 2011.01.03 00:10 sell 13 0.06 1.33415 1.33581 1.33386 0.00 9997.99

30 2011.01.03 00:10 buy stop 14 0.12 1.33480 1.33350 1.33545 0.00 9997.99

31 2011.01.03 00:11 t/p 11 0.01 1.33386 1.33581 1.33386 0.29 9998.28

32 2011.01.03 00:11 s/l 12 0.03 1.33350 1.33350 1.33545 -3.90 9994.38

33 2011.01.03 00:11 t/p 13 0.06 1.33386 1.33581 1.33386 1.74 9996.12

34 2011.01.03 00:11 delete 14 0.12 1.33480 1.33350 1.33545 0.00 9996.12

35 2011.01.03 00:11 sell 15 0.01 1.33344 1.33510 1.33315 0.00 9996.12

36 2011.01.03 00:11 buy stop 16 0.03 1.33409 1.33279 1.33474 0.00 9996.12

37 2011.01.03 00:13 buy 16 0.03 1.33409 1.33279 1.33474 0.00 9996.12

38 2011.01.03 00:13 sell stop 17 0.06 1.33344 1.33510 1.33315 0.00 9996.12

39 2011.01.03 00:15 sell 17 0.06 1.33344 1.33510 1.33315 0.00 9996.12

40 2011.01.03 00:15 buy stop 18 0.12 1.33409 1.33279 1.33474 0.00 9996.12

41 2011.01.03 00:16 t/p 15 0.01 1.33315 1.33510 1.33315 0.29 9996.41

42 2011.01.03 00:16 s/l 16 0.03 1.33279 1.33279 1.33474 -3.90 9992.51

43 2011.01.03 00:16 t/p 17 0.06 1.33315 1.33510 1.33315 1.74 9994.25

44 2011.01.03 00:16 delete 18 0.12 1.33409 1.33279 1.33474 0.00 9994.25

45 2011.01.03 00:16 sell 19 0.01 1.33273 1.33439 1.33244 0.00 9994.25

46 2011.01.03 00:16 buy stop 20 0.03 1.33338 1.33208 1.33403 0.00 9994.25

47 2011.01.03 00:17 t/p 19 0.01 1.33244 1.33439 1.33244 0.29 9994.54

48 2011.01.03 00:17 delete 20 0.03 1.33338 1.33208 1.33403 0.00 9994.54

49 2011.01.03 00:17 sell 21 0.01 1.33210 1.33376 1.33181 0.00 9994.54

50 2011.01.03 00:17 buy stop 22 0.03 1.33275 1.33145 1.33340 0.00 9994.54

51 2011.01.03 00:17 buy 22 0.03 1.33275 1.33145 1.33340 0.00 9994.54

52 2011.01.03 00:17 sell stop 23 0.06 1.33210 1.33376 1.33181 0.00 9994.54

53 2011.01.03 00:34 sell 23 0.06 1.33210 1.33376 1.33181 0.00 9994.54

54 2011.01.03 00:34 buy stop 24 0.12 1.33275 1.33145 1.33340 0.00 9994.54

55 2011.01.03 00:36 buy 24 0.12 1.33275 1.33145 1.33340 0.00 9994.54

56 2011.01.03 00:36 sell stop 25 0.24 1.33210 1.33376 1.33181 0.00 9994.54

57 2011.01.03 00:37 sell 25 0.24 1.33210 1.33376 1.33181 0.00 9994.54

58 2011.01.03 00:37 buy stop 26 0.48 1.33275 1.33145 1.33340 0.00 9994.54

59 2011.01.03 00:39 buy 26 0.48 1.33275 1.33145 1.33340 0.00 9994.54

60 2011.01.03 00:39 sell stop 27 0.96 1.33210 1.33376 1.33181 0.00 9994.54

61 2011.01.03 00:41 sell 27 0.96 1.33210 1.33376 1.33181 0.00 9994.54

62 2011.01.03 00:41 buy stop 28 1.92 1.33275 1.33145 1.33340 0.00 9994.54

63 2011.01.03 00:44 buy 28 1.92 1.33275 1.33145 1.33340 0.00 9994.54

64 2011.01.03 00:44 sell stop 29 3.84 1.33210 1.33376 1.33181 0.00 9994.54

65 2011.01.03 00:46 sell 29 3.84 1.33210 1.33376 1.33181 0.00 9994.54

66 2011.01.03 00:46 buy stop 30 7.68 1.33275 1.33145 1.33340 0.00 9994.54

67 2011.01.03 00:49 buy 30 7.68 1.33275 1.33145 1.33340 0.00 9994.54

68 2011.01.03 00:49 sell stop 31 15.36 1.33210 1.33376 1.33181 0.00 9994.54

69 2011.01.03 00:58 sell 31 15.36 1.33210 1.33376 1.33181 0.00 9994.54

70 2011.01.03 00:58 buy stop 32 30.72 1.33275 1.33145 1.33340 0.00 9994.54

71 2011.01.03 01:06 delete 32 30.72 1.33275 1.33145 1.33340 0.00 9994.54

72 2011.01.03 01:06 buy stop 33 30.72 1.33275 1.33145 1.33340 0.00 9994.54

73 2011.01.03 01:09 t/p 21 0.01 1.33181 1.33376 1.33181 0.29 9994.83

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