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Although this does seem interesting. Just a word of caution here.


If you check the site's "About Us" page, you will see the page says

He is also the author of popular Forex Morning Trade system, . . . , and which remains profitable to date.


I can confirm that at least the part about "remains profitable to date" is NOT TRUE.


Here are the recent half year results from his official website for FMT system:


Mar 2012: -169.6 pips

Feb 2012: -241.1 pips

Jan 2012: -58 pips

Dec 2011: -107.2 pips

Nov 2011 - 72.3 pips

Oct 2011: -190.4 pips


Yes, that was a straight 6 months of losses for FMT. I think even a random coin flip for buy or sell can produce at least 1 or 2 winning months out of 6 straight.


Perhaps I am too cynical, I actually saw him pushing this genetic builder to his mailing list at least 4 or 5 months ago. By that time his FMT was already failing quite badly in 2011. So my assumption is that he needed a new revenue source, and created this software.


I can only hope his Genetic Builder can build a better strategy than FMT. But I was not willing to spend almost $1000 just to find out. Are you?

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This reminds me of a typical Marketing program.

It all started with Internet marketing where they can collect all these blogs and articles and with a push of a button it will rewrite and spin the article same with traffic push button software that's supposed to generate thousand of people going to your site but guess what none of these actually do any good. I know because i have tried most of them.

So i see a similar goal with this, I have noticed there are s few of these self building programs for EA and indicators with just a few clicks that they can produce an successful EA for you.

If Thats what your after i suggest the noprogma.com at least it free


Its very difficult to get a good trading systems logic written up that's the issue with EA you just can not get the logic written right for it to actually do what you want it do, unless you keep it simple just using basic indicators but that's not going to get you far.


Anyway that's my take

Have nice day people

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