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The Polarity Factor System (Daniele Prandelli)

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Dear friends,


Pls check this link - http://depositfiles.com/files/hxdwz31l5

a huge video... around 736 mb !!!


I have downloaded it. But haven't SEEN... So I can't speak, but there's something related to P0L@RITY F@CT0R...


I am not sure... If anybody have this video, then please put some light on this video...


Please download at your own risk, as the size is quite huge and not aware of exact content..




Have a nice day



can u share the video...again please, thanks

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I was googling for this book again recently and I found this:




It is only a sample of the book (and somehow it is the first time I see it after all these years) but it gives some insight into what is actually going on.


What I got from this is that the author has some understanding of Gann's Master Time Factor (especially the part where Gann compares each of the previous 60 years to the current year to see which cycles repeat) and fine tunes it by isolating years when there is a repetition of 3 bodies configurations (Earth+Sun+?).


Maybe one day we'll know more, although I am afraid this will end up in disappointment as with every other book where the author never really reveals the useful knowledge (or maybe they reveal it but readers are missing the background to understand it).

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I was googling for this book again recently and I found this:




It is only a sample of the book (and somehow it is the first time I see it after all these years) but it gives some insight into what is actually going on.


What I got from this is that the author has some understanding of Gann's Master Time Factor (especially the part where Gann compares each of the previous 60 years to the current year to see which cycles repeat) and fine tunes it by isolating years when there is a repetition of 3 bodies configurations (Earth+Sun+?).


Maybe one day we'll know more, although I am afraid this will end up in disappointment as with every other book where the author never really reveals the useful knowledge (or maybe they reveal it but readers are missing the background to understand it).


He delves on 4.25 Years cycles in the book. Also small cycles of 4-5 turns in a month is believed to be taught in the book and the forum he runs.

The book might contain valuable information, though not worth of its price tag.

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