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BWT AutoTrader


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Cornelis and Kungfu are right... so far. A friend of mine says he installed it yesterday and the back test results - so far - are horrible. Losses in the thousands covering Jan-Jul 2012. Based on that information I would caution you to stop and wait for more complete results - from anyone - before spending money. Just my suggestion. Edited by DayTraderEd
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Many thanks for thaomoua for sharing this. I've had the indicators for a while but don't use them much, though I always wondered what the autotrader was like. Looks like a real doggie! I back tested in Ninja on an ES 1000 volume chart, which Bluewave suggests returns 85% winners accroding to the pdf that comes with the indicators, but it was a big loser - only about 30% winners. Tried in a whole lot of other instruments and charts, with not much success. Seems to work better on volume and range charts, with a couple showing around 60% winners, but that's optimized backtesting and a long way from the real thing.


Anyone got good results on backtesting or best settings for this thing? I've only spent a couple of hours on it, but a this stage I'm thinking I'm mighty glad I didn't spend $6000 plus $1000 per year to buy it!

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  • 2 months later...
Newbie your link is also set to private



hXXp://[email protected]/?8wuxf439fa6wm3h


Could you maybe set it to public? Or does anybody else has a valid link for the autotrader?

I have all indicators but still need the auto trader.


Any help is much appreciated.




ooops, is public now, thanks for the heads up TradingSebi

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Yes i did. Sorry, I was not talkin about the dl-link in general. This works fine..


Nearly 90% of my B*W*T stuff isn't workin anymore. 'Unable to verify vendor li*ense 'Blue wa** tradin*'

Anyone has a still working complete indicator package and the auto tra*er for nt7??


Would be very great..


Thank you guys

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