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Forex @rbitrage 100% guarentee win

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If you can win every trade would you care how you win?

check out the video and Demo link below.

http://[email protected]/free-demo/?utm_source=Affiliate%20Program&utm_medium=Affiliate%20Redirect%20Link&utm_term=&utm_content=&utm_campaign=[FxArb][AffiliateDemo][12-03-11]&Contact0LeadSourceId=143&email=



please share your education version if its possible.


Good trading to you all.

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Arbitrage may be dangerous. So is Forex trading of any sort. The arbitrage method here is to find two dealers who are quoting differing prices for the same pair. Short the higher price, and buy the lower, then wait for the prices to equalize. The danger, I assume, is if the spread widens. But that sounds like something that can be dealt with. Backtesting may help, though I don't know if the provided software allows for it. It would be desirable to have a stop mechanism if the spread widened too much. Edited by Steveg
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I agree with you Diesel. problem would be.


1.execution slippage


3.brokers not willing to pay after all that hard work of setting up.



I think it could be profitable at Market open after weekend. I often see very wide range of open between broker to broker 30pip range is very normal on Eur/Usd.


Some pair are higher which is probably the best bet for your money.

from what I saw. It usually take about 1-4hours or so for every broker to synchronize to about same price.


if your mind is open may pip come to you

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Hi folks .

here is a little warning that i received by e - mail about this system.


Arbitrage Trading (SCAM) Warning

Hello everyone,

Last year I sent out an important warning about arbitrage trading systems. There's a new one circulating by Jason Fielder called ForexArb and claims to take advantage of a "hidden structural flaw in the Forex market".

What is Arbitrage Trading?

Arbitrage Trading is the act of comparing price quotes from two different brokers and trading the difference. The broker with the faster price feed is used to predict market activity while trades are placed with the "slower" broker so the old prices are still available.

Does This Trading Method Work?

Surprisingly, yes, it can. However: it almost always works only on demo accounts. Demo price feeds tend to be slower and execution speed tends to be faster, which make demo accounts ideal for arbitrage trading.

You may have success on some live accounts too, but usually at lesser-quality brokers who overload their servers. However, those brokers will not allow you to keep your profits. You are violating the terms of service by abusing the data feed. If you are caught arbitrage trading and taking advantage of the "structural flaw", profits will be confiscated and your account will be closed.

Is the Broker Just Being Greedy?

No. In fact, most brokers don't mind if you make a profit because they offset their risk with banks and liquidity providers. The problem with arbitrage trading is that the price you see in MT4 may be a few milliseconds behind the price at which the broker is able to offset the risk. This means that the broker loses money on all of your arb trades because they cannot offset the risk at the price you received.

It was never intended for retail traders using MT4 to use the retail services in this way. The limitations present in the MT4 server and client software make it nearly impossible to arbitrage trade legitimately. However, they are fine for most normal types of trading.

Isn't Arbitrage What the "Big Boys" Use?

Some, do, yes but they don't use Metatrader and retail Forex brokers. They have trading deals with multiple large banks and their own proprietary servers, software and systems located in various countries so they obtain instant price data. The quotes they receive are not delayed and they do not abuse the bank services in their trading activity. There are legitimate ways to take advantage of this trading strategy, but it can't be done in MT4 and a retail broker. You're only going to lose the $1,997 that you paid for the software.

I'm sorry to be the bearer of bad news, 

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Hi Peglegtrading


As i said earlier i was received an e-mail with that warning but can not remember from whom . i always received about 250+ e-mails from lot of fx marketing companies daily , bill poulse, jason fielder etc. so not to sure from whom and once i read it i always empty my e-mail folder. if i could find the source i ll post it in here.

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There's a guy reviewing this system now on this link. People should know the difference between scalping and arbing, this system looks like scalping on each broker, only you the end user know that you are comparing price.


But anyway, we are all grown ups and we can decide for ourselves, personally i would like to get the full experience of the system so i can make an informed decision.



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