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Conversion Needed

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Hi can somebody please convert this great indi code into mql4?


Thanks in advance.


Here is the code....





-- Indicator profile initialization routine

-- Defines indicator profile properties and indicator parameters

function Init()

indicator:name("Hodrick-Prescott Filter");

indicator:description("Hodrick-Prescott Filter");




indicator.parameters:addInteger("Filter", "HP Filter Period", "", 50);

indicator.parameters:addInteger("Bars", "Max Bars to calculate", "", 300, 100, 1000);



indicator.parameters:addColor("HPF_color", "Color of HPF", "Color of HPF", core.rgb(255, 0, 0));

indicator.parameters:addInteger("width", "Line Width", "", 1, 1, 5);

indicator.parameters:addInteger("style", "DEMA Line Style", "", core.LINE_SOLID);

indicator.parameters:setFlag("style", core.FLAG_LEVEL_STYLE);



-- Indicator instance initialization routine

-- Processes indicator parameters and creates output streams

-- Parameters block

local bars;


local first;

local source = nil;


local HPF = nil;

local lambda;


-- Routine

function Prepare()

Filter = instance.parameters.Filter;

bars = instance.parameters.Bars;

source = instance.source;

first = source:first();


lambda = 0.0625 / (math.sin(3.14159265 / Filter) ^ 4);


local name = profile:id() .. "(" .. source:name() .. "," .. Filter .. "," .. bars .. ")";



assert(source:first() == 0, "The indicator can be applied on the price data only");


HPF = instance:addStream("HPF", core.Line, name, "HPF", instance.parameters.HPF_color, 0, -1);





local last = nil;

local last_period = 0;


function Update(period, mode)

if last_period > period then

last = nil;


last_period = period;


-- update only on the last period and only once per bar

if period == source:size() - 1 and period > 6 and (last == nil or last ~= source:serial(period)) then

HPFF(period - 1, math.min(period - 1, bars));

last = source:serial(period);




function HPFF(N, max)

local i;

local h1 = 0;

local h2 = 0;

local h3 = 0;

local h4 = 0;

local h5 = 0;

local hh1 = 0;

local hh2 = 0;

local hh3 = 0;

local hh5 = 0;

local hb = 0;

local hc = 0;

local z = 0;

local a, b, c;

local close = source.close;


local ifirst;


ifirst = N - max + 1;


a = {};

b = {};

c = {};


a[1] = 1 + lambda;

b[1] = -2 * lambda;

c[1] = lambda;


for i = 2, max - 2, 1 do

a = 6 * lambda + 1;

b = -4 * lambda;

c = lambda;



a[2] = 5 * lambda + 1;

a[max - 1] = 5 * lambda + 1;

a[max] = 1 + lambda;


b[max - 1] = -2 * lambda;

b[max] = 0;


c[max - 1] = 0;

c[max] = 0;


for i = 1, max, 1 do

z = a - h4 * h1 - hh5 * hh2;

hb = b;

hh1 = h1;


if z ~= 0 then

h1 = (hb - h4 * h2) / z;



b = h1;

hc = c;

hh2 = h2;


if z ~= 0 then

h2 = hc / z;



c = h2;


if z ~= 0 then

a = (close[ifirst + i - 1] - hh3 * hh5 - h3 * h4) / z;



hh3 = h3;

h3 = a;

h4 = hb - h5 * hh1;

hh5 = h5;

h5 = hc;



h2 = 0;

h1 = a[1];

local j;

for i = max, 1, -1 do

j = ifirst + i - 1;

HPF[j] = a - b * h1 - c * h2;

h2 = h1;

h1 = HPF[j];



core.eraseStream(HPF, core.range(0, ifirst - 1));


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