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Prediction based on history

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Will someone please translate the lines below to english for me? I tried with google translate but had no luck. I would like to change it on my chart. If I am successful I will post the .mq4 file for others who want the English version. Thank You for your help in advance.



/ Âíåøíèå ïåðåìåííûå




extern bool IsTopCorner = true; // Èíôîðìàöèîííûé áëîê â âåðõíåì óãëó?

extern int Offset = 1; // Ñìåùåíèå èñõîäíîãî îáðàçöà â áàðàõ (äëÿ ïðîâåðêè íàäåæíîñòè ïðîãíîçà) [1..]

extern bool IsOffsetStartFixed = true; // Ôèêñèðîâàíî ëè íà÷àëî îáðàçöà

extern bool IsOffsetEndFixed = false; // Ôèêñèðîâàí ëè êîíåö îáðàçöà

extern int PastBars = 24; // Ðàçìåð îáðàçöà â áàðàõ, êîòîðûé èùåòñÿ íà èñòîðèè [3..]

extern int ForecastBars = 24; // Íà ñêîëüêî áàðîâ âïåðåä äåëàòü ïðîãíîç [1..]

extern int MaxAlts = 5; // Èñêàòü óêàçàííîå êîë-âî ëó÷øèõ îáðàçöîâ [1..100]

extern bool ShowCloud = true; // Ïîêàçûâàòü ëè îáëàêî

extern bool ShowBestPattern = true; // Ïîêàçûâàòü ëè ìàêñèìàëüíî áëèçêèé îáðàçåö

extern bool IsExactTime = true; // Äîëæíî ëè ñîâïàäàòü âðåìÿ îáðàçöîâ (äëÿ ó÷åòà ýôôåêòà ñåññèé)

extern datetime MinDate = D'01.01.2001'; // Ìèíèìàëüíàÿ äàòà îáðàçöà

extern int PeriodMA = 2; // Ïåðèóä ñãëàæåííîé ñðåäíåé

extern double ScalePercents = 90.0; // Ðàññìàòðèâàòü òîëüêî îáðàçöû ñ ýòèì ìèíèìàëüíûì ïðîöåíòîì ñîâïàäåíèÿ

extern color IndicatorCloudColor = Sienna; // Öâåò îáëàêà ïîõîæèõ âàðèàíòîâ

extern color IndicatorBestPatternColor = DodgerBlue; // Öâåò ñàìîãî ïîõîæåãî îáðàçöà

extern color IndicatorVLinesColor = Sienna; // Öâåò âåðòèêàëüíûõ ëèíèé-ãðàíèö îáðàçöà

extern color IndicatorTextColor = MediumBlue; // Öâåò òåêñòà èíô.áëîêà

extern color IndicatorTextWarningColor = Tomato; // Öâåò ïðåäóïðåæäåíèé â òåñòîâîì èíô.áëîêå

extern int XCorner = 5; // Îòñòóï èíô.áëîêà èíäèêàòîðà îò ïðàâîé ãðàíèöû ãðàôèêà

extern int YCorner = 5; // Îòñòóï èíô.áëîêà èíäèêàòîðà îò âåðõíåé ãðàíèöû ãðàôèêà

extern string FontName = "Arial"; // Øðèôò òåñòîâîãî èíô.áëîêà

extern int FontSize = 7; // Ðàçìåð øðèôòà òåñòîâîãî èíô.áëîêà


// Ãëîáàëüíûå ïåðåìåííûå

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This is a rough translation:


extern bool IsTopCorner = true; / / information box in the upper right corner?

extern int Offset = 1; / / offset of the initial sample in the bars (to verify the reliability of prediction) [1 ..]

extern bool IsOffsetStartFixed = true; / / Fixed a start sample

extern bool IsOffsetEndFixed = false; / / end of the sample is fixed

extern int PastBars = 24; / / Size of the sample in the bars, which sought to history [3 ..]

extern int ForecastBars = 24 / / How many bars do forward prediction [1 ..]

extern int MaxAlts = 5 / / Look for a specified number of the best examples of [1 .. 100]

extern bool ShowCloud = true; / / Display a cloud

extern bool ShowBestPattern = true; / / Show a sample as close as possible

extern bool IsExactTime = true; / / Must match the time of the samples (to account for the effect of sessions)

extern datetime MinDate = D'01 .01.2001 '/ / The minimum sample date

extern int PeriodMA = 2 / / Periud smoothed average

extern double ScalePercents = 90.0; / / Consider only those samples with a minimum percentage of overlap

extern color IndicatorCloudColor = Sienna; / / color of the clouds like options

extern color IndicatorBestPatternColor = DodgerBlue; / / The color of a similar sample

extern color IndicatorVLinesColor = Sienna; / / color of vertical lines, the boundaries of the sample

extern color IndicatorTextColor = MediumBlue; / / text color inf.bloka

extern color IndicatorTextWarningColor = Tomato; / / Color of warnings in the test inf.bloke

extern int XCorner = 5 / / Indent inf.bloka indicator on the right edge of the graph

extern int YCorner = 5 / / Indent inf.bloka indicator from the top of the graph

extern string FontName = "Arial"; / / Font Test inf.bloka

extern int FontSize = 7; / / font size a Test inf.bloka


To see this you need to open Word, then import the mq4 code as "encoded text" in the conversion box. Then select "Other encoding" and Cyrillic (auto-select) - this converts the ASCII back into Russian characters. Next just copy and paste that text into Google translate.

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actually i am also new to this one, but the thing is only take a trade when success rate is greater than 80%, it is just the history marker i.e the same pattern repeated in past....


happy trading


ohh.... I find the same words from y00pips.com website (user mrfutureboss wrote the same words) stuuupid reposter!!!

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Will someone please translate the lines below to english for me? I tried with google translate but had no luck. I would like to change it on my chart. If I am successful I will post the .mq4 file for others who want the English version. Thank You for your help in advance.



/ Âíåøíèå ïåðåìåííûå




extern bool IsTopCorner = true; // Èíôîðìàöèîííûé áëîê â âåðõíåì óãëó?

extern int Offset = 1; // Ñìåùåíèå èñõîäíîãî îáðàçöà â áàðàõ (äëÿ ïðîâåðêè íàäåæíîñòè ïðîãíîçà) [1..]

extern bool IsOffsetStartFixed = true; // Ôèêñèðîâàíî ëè íà÷àëî îáðàçöà

extern bool IsOffsetEndFixed = false; // Ôèêñèðîâàí ëè êîíåö îáðàçöà

extern int PastBars = 24; // Ðàçìåð îáðàçöà â áàðàõ, êîòîðûé èùåòñÿ íà èñòîðèè [3..]

extern int ForecastBars = 24; // Íà ñêîëüêî áàðîâ âïåðåä äåëàòü ïðîãíîç [1..]

extern int MaxAlts = 5; // Èñêàòü óêàçàííîå êîë-âî ëó÷øèõ îáðàçöîâ [1..100]

extern bool ShowCloud = true; // Ïîêàçûâàòü ëè îáëàêî

extern bool ShowBestPattern = true; // Ïîêàçûâàòü ëè ìàêñèìàëüíî áëèçêèé îáðàçåö

extern bool IsExactTime = true; // Äîëæíî ëè ñîâïàäàòü âðåìÿ îáðàçöîâ (äëÿ ó÷åòà ýôôåêòà ñåññèé)

extern datetime MinDate = D'01.01.2001'; // Ìèíèìàëüíàÿ äàòà îáðàçöà

extern int PeriodMA = 2; // Ïåðèóä ñãëàæåííîé ñðåäíåé

extern double ScalePercents = 90.0; // Ðàññìàòðèâàòü òîëüêî îáðàçöû ñ ýòèì ìèíèìàëüíûì ïðîöåíòîì ñîâïàäåíèÿ

extern color IndicatorCloudColor = Sienna; // Öâåò îáëàêà ïîõîæèõ âàðèàíòîâ

extern color IndicatorBestPatternColor = DodgerBlue; // Öâåò ñàìîãî ïîõîæåãî îáðàçöà

extern color IndicatorVLinesColor = Sienna; // Öâåò âåðòèêàëüíûõ ëèíèé-ãðàíèö îáðàçöà

extern color IndicatorTextColor = MediumBlue; // Öâåò òåêñòà èíô.áëîêà

extern color IndicatorTextWarningColor = Tomato; // Öâåò ïðåäóïðåæäåíèé â òåñòîâîì èíô.áëîêå

extern int XCorner = 5; // Îòñòóï èíô.áëîêà èíäèêàòîðà îò ïðàâîé ãðàíèöû ãðàôèêà

extern int YCorner = 5; // Îòñòóï èíô.áëîêà èíäèêàòîðà îò âåðõíåé ãðàíèöû ãðàôèêà

extern string FontName = "Arial"; // Øðèôò òåñòîâîãî èíô.áëîêà

extern int FontSize = 7; // Ðàçìåð øðèôòà òåñòîâîãî èíô.áëîêà


// Ãëîáàëüíûå ïåðåìåííûå


start study russian language, stuuupid amerikano baby

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ohh.... I find the same words from y00pips.com website (user mrfutureboss wrote the same words) stuuupid reposter!!!


start study russian language, stuuupid amerikano baby


In most of your posts, you prefer insulting people, I encourage you to apologize because it is not necessary to be rude to give your views.


Also, ask yourself how many systems have been "shared" on ******* who came from places like Indo-Investasi.



В большинстве из ваших постов, вы предпочитаете оскорбление людей, я призываю вас, чтобы извиниться, потому что не надо быть грубым, чтобы дать свою точку зрения.


Кроме того, спросите себя, сколько системы были "общие" на *******, которые пришли из мест, как индо-Investasi.

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Newbie111 - just a single error in the code can cause loads of compilation errors to appear.


The // means that anything that comes after it is a comment. Hence, provided the original code remained intact then when were translating the comments, my bet is that you inadvertently deleted // or maybe just one / which would cause loads of errors.

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Newbie111 - just a single error in the code can cause loads of compilation errors to appear.


The // means that anything that comes after it is a comment. Hence, provided the original code remained intact then when were translating the comments, my bet is that you inadvertently deleted // or maybe just one / which would cause loads of errors.


Thank You sounfx, i'll practice on this indi.

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Hello, I don't know if this is helpful or not but my partner is Russian. She has zero interest in forex but she has done translating for me when she knows it's important to me. I would be happy to ask her to translate if there is a needm especially when there are nonsense characters that need to be ignored by a human but Google attempts.
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Sorry, don't mean to get off-topic, but this routine isn't working for me.. am I missing something..?


When I choose any language nothings translates the imported text.


Is there a missing step?


This is an example of what I get:



{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Arial;}}

{\*\generator Msftedit;}\viewkind4\uc1\pard\f0\fs20 // + \'ed\'e0 5 \'e7\'ed\'e0\'ea\'ee\'e2 \'f1\'e4\'e5\'eb\'e0\'f2\'fc \'e0\'e2\'f2\'ee\'ec\'e0\'f2\'ee\'ec \'ef\'e5\'f0\'e5\'f1\'f7\'e5\'f2 \'ef\'e0\'f0\'e0\'ec\'e5\'f2\'f0\'ee\'e2 (\'e2 \'ef\'ee\'ec\'ee\'f9\'fc \'ef\'ee\'eb\'fc\'e7\'ee\'e2\'e0\'f2\'e5\'eb\'ff\'ec \'ea\'ee\'f2\'ee\'f0\'fb\'e5 \'ed\'e5\'ea\'ee\'f0\'f0\'e5\'ea\'f2\'ed\'ee \'e2\'fb\'f1\'f2\'e0\'e2\'eb\'ff\'fe\'f2 \'ef\'e0\'f0\'e0\'ec\'e5\'f2\'f0\'fb \'e2 \'ef\'f3\'ed\'ea\'f2\'e0\'f5 \'ed\'e0 5 \'e7\'ed\'e0\'ea\'e0\'f5)\par

// + \'f1\'e0\'ec \'ef\'ee\'e4\'e3\'f0\'f3\'e6\'e0\'e5\'f2 \'ea\'ee\'f2\'e8\'f0\'ee\'e2\'ea\'e8 \'ef\'ee \'e2\'f1\'e5\'ec \'d2\'d4, \'e2 \'f2\'e5\'f1\'f2\'e5\'f0\'e5 \'ea\'ee\'f2\'e8\'f0\'ee\'e2\'ea\'e8 \'e4\'ee\'eb\'e6\'ed\'fb \'e1\'fb\'f2\'fc \'ef\'ee\'e4\'e3\'f0\'f3\'e6\'e5\'ed\'fb \'e8 \'ef\'e5\'f0\'e5\'f1\'f7\'e8\'f2\'e0\'ed\'fb, \'e2 \'e4\'e5\'ec\'ee \'e8 \'f0\'e5\'e0\'eb\'e5, \'ed\'e0\'e4\'ee \'f7\'f3\'f2\'fc \'ef\'ee\'e4\'ee\'e6\'e4\'e0\'f2\'fc \'ef\'ee\'f1\'eb\'e5 \'e7\'e0\'ef\'f3\'f1\'ea\'e0 \'f7\'f2\'ee\'e1\'fb \'ee\'ed \'f1\'e0\'ec \'ef\'ee\'e4\'e3\'f0\'f3\'e7\'e8\'eb \'ea\'ee\'f2\'e8\'f0\'ee\'e2\'ea\'e8\par

// + \'e1\'ee\'eb\'e5\'e5 \'ea\'ee\'f0\'f0\'e5\'ea\




This is a rough translation:


extern bool IsTopCorner = true; / / information box in the upper right corner?

extern int Offset = 1; / / offset of the initial sample in the bars (to verify the reliability of prediction) [1 ..]

extern bool IsOffsetStartFixed = true; / / Fixed a start sample

extern bool IsOffsetEndFixed = false; / / end of the sample is fixed

extern int PastBars = 24; / / Size of the sample in the bars, which sought to history [3 ..]

extern int ForecastBars = 24 / / How many bars do forward prediction [1 ..]

extern int MaxAlts = 5 / / Look for a specified number of the best examples of [1 .. 100]

extern bool ShowCloud = true; / / Display a cloud

extern bool ShowBestPattern = true; / / Show a sample as close as possible

extern bool IsExactTime = true; / / Must match the time of the samples (to account for the effect of sessions)

extern datetime MinDate = D'01 .01.2001 '/ / The minimum sample date

extern int PeriodMA = 2 / / Periud smoothed average

extern double ScalePercents = 90.0; / / Consider only those samples with a minimum percentage of overlap

extern color IndicatorCloudColor = Sienna; / / color of the clouds like options

extern color IndicatorBestPatternColor = DodgerBlue; / / The color of a similar sample

extern color IndicatorVLinesColor = Sienna; / / color of vertical lines, the boundaries of the sample

extern color IndicatorTextColor = MediumBlue; / / text color inf.bloka

extern color IndicatorTextWarningColor = Tomato; / / Color of warnings in the test inf.bloke

extern int XCorner = 5 / / Indent inf.bloka indicator on the right edge of the graph

extern int YCorner = 5 / / Indent inf.bloka indicator from the top of the graph

extern string FontName = "Arial"; / / Font Test inf.bloka

extern int FontSize = 7; / / font size a Test inf.bloka


To see this you need to open Word, then import the mq4 code as "encoded text" in the conversion box. Then select "Other encoding" and Cyrillic (auto-select) - this converts the ASCII back into Russian characters. Next just copy and paste that text into Google translate.

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Hi Conglo - it's hard to say what the problem may be.


I'm using Office 2003 Word which could be different to yours.


Here's a doc with a few screenshots in showing what I see (this for a different mq4 file, only because I didn't have this one handy any more, though I saw just the same for this one):



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