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Can you help me identify a System?

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Can anyone help me identify a certain forex trading system. It was basically trying to only trade when the momentum was above a certain threshold. I believe the way that they decided was if price was a certain number of pips greater (for long trade) than a moving average, it qualified. For shorts price had to be at least a certain number of pips less than a moving average.....the obvious advantage was you would only trade when a high velocity move was taking place.


I have the system on my computer but can't remember the name of it... any help appreciated.

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Hi Diesel,


It's odd but this system seemed vaguely familiar to me, though I can't find it either.


It may be worth installing a desktop search utility and let it index your harddrive contents, then you'll be able to do rapid searches on all docs containing "momentum" etc.


Here's a good free one:




The other option is if you think you originally requested it or made comments about it, you could use the II advanced search facility to search on your posts only.

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is it forex finder?


This might be it with the "Separation Trade"! At the least, it is similar concept. Would be easier if we had an indicator showing the amount of separation between 10ema and 26ema with a trigger line at 8 pips. Perhaps some version of MACD or OSMA would show this?


Have you tried this Forex Finder method Hermann Hess? If so what results?

Edited by Diesel 10
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u want it as a histo? ore .... that indy?

Not sure. Whatever you think would be easier to see when the separation gets to +8 or -8. My first thought is histo although a large number on the main chart is also desirable. It has to show the most immediately closed bar's separation value not the current open bar (since that can change)... Thanks.

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